Chapter 1

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"Just leave already. I'll tell her something just go. I don't want to see your face!" My mother yelled. I hid in the closet to surprise daddy when he got home. But he started talking to mommy and she started yelling. I didn't understand. I am only seven. Name one seven year old that will understand what's going on. "Beck you knew this would happen. You knew I'd find her!" My father screamed. Who's her? Was all i could think "Then why did you get with me? Why would you get be pregnant? Twice too." She whispered the last part. "You're pregnant?" My father gasps. She nods. "It doesn't matter anymore. Just leave." My mother says calmly. Before my father could speak she whispers "Out Darren." He nods and walks out leaving my mother and me behind.

I jolt up and rub my eyes and sigh. I've been having the same nightmare over and over again for the past ten years. "Bella? You up sissy?" My ten year old sister Annie asked. Giggling,"Yes I'm up Ann." She squeals as I use her nickname. "Can I come in?" She asks a little shy. "Of course." I say backing up to the head board. Annie runs in and jumps on my bed. Laughing, I set her in my lap. "What can I do for you love?" I ask. She blushes. "Mommy wants to see us." She snuggles into me. "Okay come on." i get up and put her on my hip. For a ten year old she's really small. She smiles and giggles. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where our mom is. "Hey mommy." Annie and me say in sync, making us giggle. She smiles, "what am I going to do with you girls?" We shrug. "So what you need?" I ask setting Annie down. She sighs. "Take a seat girls." We look at her confused but we sit anyway.

"Girls, I got offered a job." She starts off. We smiles. "That's great mom." I say she nods and continues. "In Arizona." I gasp as Annie squeals. "That's not all. Your father wants to see y'all." She looks at me and smiles sadly. Tears try to escape my eyes. "Daddy wants to see us?" Annie questions our mother. My inner voice says "He isn't a daddy when he leaves his two children just like that!" I close my eyes. "Bella? What do you think??" My mother asks. "She should meet him. I wont though." I say truthfully. I get up and practically sprint to my room. I Jump on my bed and cry my eyes out. I don't want do to anything with my father. He left me and he left me for a her. I will never forgive him. With that I let the darkness take over letting me sleep.

"Annabella?" I hear a soft voice say. "Baby girl wake up." I open my eyes and sit up. "There's the princess." My mother says. I smile softly at her. "Come on I have to drop Annie off with yo- Darren." She says not mentioning the word father dad or even daddy. "We can go shopping after. Just me and you." She smiles and I nod eagerly. Getting up I go to my closet and put on high waisted shorts a crop top and vans on. I don't bother with make up, cause I like natural beauty. I really don't look that bad. I slip my jacket on and grab my phone. Leaving my hair in its natural waves. I run down the stairs to see Annie and her doll she takes every where. You know those American Girl dolls? Well yeah that. "Ready Anne?" I ask my little sister. She nods eagerly at me making me giggle. I pick her up and see mom walking in the room.

"Ready girlys?" She asks. We nod and walk to my moms SUV. I set Annie in the back and buckle her up. I get in the front with my mom. She smiles at us and backs up. "Where we going mommy?" Annie asks as I scroll through instagram. "A little froyo shop baby." My mom answers. Annie nods and plays with her doll. About five minutes later we get to the little shop. "Bella can you get Annie while I go find Darren?" Mom asks, I simply nod and get out. I open the door and see Annie passed out. I giggle at my little sister.

I pick her up with her doll, and carry her to where our mom is. I see her talking with a man and a woman with two kids around Annie's age maybe younger. "Hey mom Annie passed out." I say as soon as I am standing next to her.

"Annabella?" I hear my name being called from my left

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"Annabella?" I hear my name being called from my left. I turn and see the man. He looks like me in a way. His eyes are exactly like mine and his nose. Thats when it hit me. This is my father. I take a sharp breath and tears brick my eyes. Some fall, Darren trys to reach for me but i move. I hand mom Annie and run. "Annabella! Annabella please!" I hear Darren's pleads but I keep running and I don't stop till I reach home.

Once home, I cry. I cry like it's the last time I ever will. I scream and break stuff in my room. Saying how much I hate him. How he deserves to rot in hell with the lady he was with. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I repeat over and over again. I let out a frustrating scream. I go to my closet and put on my Nike sports bra and shorts with my track shoes. I need a run. I grab my hoodie and put it on. Slipping my phone in the pocket with my ear buds in my ear. I turn up the volume all the way and put Panic! At the discos new song Victorious on. I run around the block twice and by the fro yo place. I pause and see my mom and Darren arguing. I look over to the new girl wife bitch what ever the hell she is, she has a smug look on her face like she's satisfied. That pissed me off even more. I run strait across the street and into the place. I walk strait up to darren and slap him in the face.

"This is all your fault! You left us. And for her." I point to the bitch. "Obviously you down graded. My mother is beautiful and you chose that over us? How could you? Oh and bitch" I looked over to the bitch thats her new name. "I'd wipe that look off your face before I do something I wont regret." While that her eyes widened and she looked away in fact the hole two faced family did. Even the little boys whimpered. Annie ran over to me and smiled. "I'm sorry Annabella, I'm sorry i did this to you.'' Darren says not looking at me. "Damn strait you better be sorry. You know I waited in that closet the day you left? I heard all about your little mistress of a whore and how you said you loved her more than us more than me. I waited for you to come back. I didn't even move when mom was crying. An I though you would. Well I guess I was wrong. Have fun with you perfect family and your bitch wife. Just know I wont be there when you need me cause you sure as hell weren't there when I needed you!" I screamed at the end. I poured every feeling I had into that.

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