Chapter 4

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Finally making it to my locker, after running out on Sadie like that, I felt kinda bad. I don't know why I was jealous, I mean I just met him but I do feel a connected to him is that weird? I make one friend and I'm already out the door. Sighing, I open it and grab my science book.

I slam my locker closed just as the warning bell went off. "Hey! Bella wait up!" I hear Alec's angelic voice. Shit I'm doing it again. I scold myself as I turn on my heals facing him with my best fake smile. "Hey who do you have right now?" Alec asks curiously. "Someone." I reply smartly with a smirk.

Alec growled like literally growled. Maybe just a cold. I thought to myself. "Annabella for real what do you have?" He asks again. I sigh, "science with Mr. West." I say turning and walking away. His feet start moving by the way I hear them squeak across the floor. By what I could hear they were getting closer to me.

"Cool I'm in that class." He finally speaks as we get to the classroom door. He walks ahead and he opens the door and pushes me inside. His fingers against my back making light triangles making me purr. Wait what? Did I just purr? I just shake it off. "Ahh what do we have here?" Mr. West said making me giggle.

"Sorry West, was showing the new girl to class." He winks at me and smirks at Mr. West. I could hear it now. "Slut." "Whore." One girl even said "she probably drugged him at lunch." I gasp at this really how could I, someone so small and weak even think about doing that.

I look between Mr. West and Alec. Mr. West looked furious and Alec looked livid. Why do they look like that it's just something a girl said. "Where do I sit?" I ask breaking the silence. "In the back next to Alec." Mr. West says breaking out of thought and turned his attention to me

Sighing I reluctantly sat with Alec.

Alec's POV (YAY)

"Gosh Sadie shut up!" I growled at mt little sister. "You're no fun bubba." She pouted. We maybe siblings and really close but she is annoying as hell. I mean I love my sister I really do but she never shuts up, just like our mother. She has our fathers jet black hair. While I have our mothers brown hair. She has our mothers blue eyes and I have our fathers hazel ones. I'm out of high school already by two years.

"Hey do you smell that?" I ask smelling roses and strawberries. Her head perks up. "OMG! Alec finally...wait my man whore brother has a mate?!" She practically screamed.

"Gosh Sadie shut the hell up!" I cover her mouth with my hand. She mumbles something I tilt my head to the side and she bites me. "Ow. Really?" I ask shaking my hand. "Is that her?" She asked pointing to a girl staring at the school building. I breath in and nod eager to talk to the beauty. Mate. Mine. My wolf chanted over and over again. Shes so pretty and small. Her white hair up in a pony tail. She looks so good I could take her right now. "Woah  close your mind link will you?" My sister screached. I shrug. People should know shes mine. "Sadie go help her and be her friend." I tell my little sister.

"Why not you?" Sadie asks looking at my petite mate. "She might get the wrong impression." I say honestly. "Fine." Sadie gives in and walks to her. Watching I listen to there conversation. "Um hey, I saw you just standing there and you looked kinda lost you need help?" My sister said, my mate snapped her head towards Sadie. My angle speaks "Um yeah can you help me find the front office?" Her voice makes my knees wobble. They introduce eachother and her name is Annabella. So pretty.

I decide to ask my alpha if I can stay and watch my mate. He congratulated me and agreed. But first I have to interrogate a rouge that crossed on to our land.

Around third period I get back. "Alpha the rouge won't talk." I say in my pack link. "You did your best Alec." Alpha West  is my best friend. We've known each other since birth. I had to take beta position late last year Considering my father and mother died to a rouge attack.

I walk around until I am at my old English class the smell of roses and strawberries hit me like a truck. I purr in content. I haven't even talk to the girl and im already in love. I walk to the back to my old corner mind linking the teacher about how I'm here for my mate. But my love is already there. "You're in my seat." I speak. I see her visibly shiver. I smirk, "to bad its mine now."

She finally looks up at me. In her pretty eyes I see curiosity and adoration. I smile and see her shocked face. "Done checking me out princess?" I ask as she blushes. "What no I wasnt." She says making me chuckle.

We talk the rest of the period I learn her name is Annabella even though I already knew it. She hates being called Anna.

I got a mind link message from Joshua, the third in command that the rogue escaped. West Josh and I were having a conversation, I looked over at Bella real quick and saw sadness written all over her face.

When the bell rang I shot up and went to find Sadie. Sadie is Joshuas mate, he ran for the rogue he wanted me to tell her.

Once I told her, we walked out the class together, my arm dropped over her. I kissed her head. "Oh shit." She cussed and pulled away. She ran towards someone. "Whats up?" I asked through the sibling link. "Annabella saw. She looked sad and heartbroken." My sister said sounding hurt.

I sat against the lockers, till I heard running and a locker burst open. I ran towards it and saw her. "Hey Bella wait up!" She turned and smiled. Fake. I asked who she had and she said someone. I growled lowly. I asked again and She finally said Mr West. She walked away with me following. We got there and I open the door, saying cool me too. The tingles shot up my harms making me and her purr. Weird.

West talked to her and me. Girls where talking saying she drugged me. I was livid. West was furious. "Where do I sit?" My flower spoke. "In the back with Alec." My alpha Mr. West replied. She sighed and went to the back with me right next to her.

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