Chapter 5: New Attitudes & Effects

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Mae's POV

I RAN THROUGH THE DOOR to my house and banged on Dex's door. Which was oddly closed, normally he had it opened, so it was a little strange. I heard a shuffling, then the lock turned and Dex stuck his head through. He looked awful. Now not normal dorky awful, but like zombie awful. His hair was a mess, stuck up and all different directions, he also had dark bags under his eyes. I could also see he was wearing a red hoodie that was trying to cover the majority of his untamed hair.

"Hey Mae." He grumbled, sleepily, "What's up?"

"Hey can we talk?" I asked, hurriedly. I wanted to make sure he forgave me as soon as possible. He seemed a little hesitant at first but didn't say anything for a moment. Then he finally sighed.

"Sure, what do you want?" He, a little harshly, said.

"You remember when when you said that you were attacked by a monster? Well today I realized that the newspapers were saying that you were attacked by a Cat Monster. So I put two and two together-" 

"I see what is going on." Dex interrupted, "I'm crazy, and you're right!" He said harshly. 

"What's the matter with you Dex?" I asked, worried for my brother's sanity. 

"Nothing, meo-Mae!, I mean Mae!"

"Did you just meow?"

"No! Now go away!" He said, harshly then slammed the door on my face. I was taken back. Dex had never, and I mean NEVER talked like that to me. Ever. There was something seriously wrong going on here, and I was going to figure it out what it was.

*  *  *

Dex's POV

As soon as I shut the door in Mae's face I felt guilty. It wasn't my fault, however, now wasn't a good time. I took off my sweatshirt, to reveal two furry brown ears. Not normal human ears, which would be bad enough, but two furry brown cat ears. In other news I had a matching cat tail. Now it seemed my normally dark brown eyes, were turning bright yellow and my pupils became slits.

This was happening since my transformation last night. I was really freaking out earlier but now I was cool. I was really glad I wasn't at school this week. I could only guess that this was a side effect of the transformation. I also did a little research, and a little questioning, and I had discovered that I would shift into full cat mode when the moon was strongest, or during the full moon. It was only strong enough to change me, for three days. I could shift willingly any other time.

Charlotte also mentioned I might have a few other weird side effects, in this time, like this, but they should fade after the three days. I had already faced day one of three. So after two more days, I should be back to normal. Now all I had to do was wait.

.  .  .

That night I shifted into my cat for with much less pain this time. Which was great! After I had shifted I left my room and met Charlotte in the woods near where I saw her last time. She was already there, waiting for me. Her silver fur shown in the moonlight, and I thought she was beautiful. I sighed dreamily but quickly shook it off.

"Hey Dex!" She purred, "How are you today?"

"Fine! Other than some nasty side effects, today was pretty good. Nothing like the night though. How are you?" I asked, happily.

"Fine, as well. I talked to your sister today. She seemed a little off, or suspicious, or both." Charlotte said, calmly.  

"Yeah, when she got home she seemed like something was bugging her. I feel a little guilty though, I was kind of rude to her today, hiding some of the side effects, and all." I said sadly, "Do you think I could tell her?"

"No!" She said, harshly. Then more calmly she added, "Do you know what that might do? To you, to us? If she told someone else..." She shivered in fear then finished her statement, "It's not that I don't trust your sister, it's just she seemed a little bit loose lipped. If she told someone then they told someone, then you could get taken away by the government. I just... don't want to lose you too."

"Too?" I said, curiously.

"It's nothing." She said, and I knew not to push her. After a minute she added, "I just don't want you to leave me."

"Charlotte, I will never leave you." I said, she smiled then I said, "Come on, I need to stretch my legs." Then we took off, happy as ever.



Hey guys, how are you! I know I haven't put a author's note on many of them but I just want to say hi! So anyways I was curious if you liked Mae or Dex better? That's all for now! Later!

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