Chapter 6: Shooting Stars & Jealous Souls

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Dex's POV

CHARLOTTE AND I WERE LAYING down, watching the stars, the next night, enjoying each others company as a certain star went shooting by. Or well not a star. It was actually a a small piece of rock or dust that hits Earth's atmosphere from space. Oh there I went again, ruining a perfect moment in my head by being a nerd. Oh well, at least I hadn't said it out loud.

Then that perfect moment ended. I heard a rustling in the brush, Charlotte looked up so I knew she heard it as well. We got up cautiously, hoping it was just a rabbit or something. Then I heard it, voices. 

"Do you even know where we're going?" The first voiced asked, tiredly. It seemed to be wanting to stop and sleep for a while.

"Yes. I know exactly where we are headed. Sorta." The second voice responded. I heard Charlotte's hiss rise from her mouth, and I suppose the people making all the racket did, too. 

"What was that?" The first voice asked, suddenly defensive. It let out a hiss similar to Charlotte's and I had no idea what we were dealing with.

 "Wait, be quiet." The second voice commanded. Then it said, "I can smell you Charlotte, come out." 

Charlotte looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes, then she sighed and we both stepped forward. When we did we were greeted by two other werecats. The first had snow white fur and aqua blue eyes. The second had tabby fur and green eyes. They were both bigger than me so hopefully we weren't going to need to fight.

"Hello Dillan." Charlotte said, curtly "And another I haven't had the pleasure of meeting? Who are you?" She said, gesturing towards the snowy white cat.

"None of your business." She hissed.

"Hello Charlotte and her friend I haven't had the pleasure of meeting?" Dillan said, not the least bit concerned.   

"Dex." I said, coolly. 

"Well we better get going, nice chatting with you..." Charlotte said, obviously wanting to leave. 

"Where do you think your going? No I do believe you shall be coming with us." Dillan said. Without a word the snowy one was behind me and on top of me. She hissed pinning me. I kicked her exposed belly and started to run. I could see Charlotte was doing the same. 

The last thing I heard from the other werecats was Dillan's angry call, "I will find you Charlotte and you will pay!" Then we disappeared, hoping to never see them again. Although, as fate would have it, we did.

*  *  *  

Mae's POV

As I walked into my house after school, I saw Dex watching tv on the couch. He was half asleep from what I could tell, but I didn't really care. I was still mad at him for a few days ago. I know it is bad to hold grudges but he seems to be more distant, more, well, upset-able. He seemed to be holding a grudge on me, and I didn't even know why.

I went into my room and started my homework. I had more than I had in middle school that's for sure. Then I heard a knock on the front door. I ran out of my room and opened it. There stood the blonde new girl I had met the other day. She walked in and sat on the couch next to Dex. He looked surprised to see her but then she whispered something into his ear and they walked into his room together.

That was odd. I thought, but then quickly shrugged it off and went back to my homework. Dex was his own person and he could have his own friends. Even if I didn't exactly trust this one. However, it seemed Dex did. Through the walls I heard laughter and other sounds of happiness. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Sorrow, anger, fear? No I knew this emotion best as jealousy. 

.  .  .

A few days had past, but everyday the blond girl came over after school. It also seemed that Dex was even more irritable than normal as well. I wondered if it had anything to do with her. I kept having weird theories like she was a witch casting spells on him, or a monster who stole his goodness and wore it to mask her own hatred. Although I knew I was just being silly there was something off about this girl and Dex as well.

Now Dex was back in school but he seemed different. I really hoped I could figure out what was going on with him. I needed to know. I knew I was fueled by jealousy and weirdness but that didn't matter. All that mattered was I got back Dex before he was gone for good. 

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