Epilogue: How It All Ended & Kind of Began Again

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Mae's POV:

I WAS NEAR THE EDGE of town now. Good old Cloudcroft. Since it was the middle of the day, people were milling around the streets, most of them were tourist, but there were a few who I recognized as locals. With a deep breath I walked into town, Dillan and Xander following me. 

I felt worry form in my stomach as I walked into town. I didn't know what I'd say about my disappearance, I was gone for almost a month after all. How the people would react, I wasn't sure. I also wasn't sure what I'd say about Dex. I suppose I'd say nothing, that I didn't know about him, or where he was.

When I finally came up to the street, I walked straight to the police station. I was given several confused glances, by the townspeople, but I paid no attention. Before I walked in I told Dillan and Xander to leave, and they did. I then went into the station. 

The rest was just a blur. The police asked me so many questions on where I'd been and how I'd gotten back. I told them I had gone camping but I'd gotten lost before I could return. It had taken me three weeks to finally get back. I told them I had no idea where Dex was, but I guess he'd gone to look for me.

I tried to act worried but I was so tired, it was hard. My Dad came and picked me up and he bought me some food before he took me home. I climbed into my bed and finally fell into a deep, and dreamless sleep.

.  .  .

I woke up two days later and my mind immediately went to Dex. I hoped he was doing okay in his new life, even though it was full of werecats and I wasn't a part of it. I quickly shook the thought from my mind. What was I thinking? I couldn't think about him now. He was the enemy.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some grapes. While munching on them I grabbed the home phone. I dialed the numbers one by one, and they appeared on the phone's screen. I listened to the ringing, until a cheery voice answered.

"Hello, this is Franny's Fried Food. I'm Franny, how can I help you?" It asked.

"Hello Franny. It's been a while." I answered, coolly. After a moments pause the voice returned.

"State your business." A gruffer voice came on the line, "That pass code has been expelled for  a couple years now." 

"Hullo General Asshole. It's Ex-Agent Mae Marwood."

"Mae..." He growled, "State your business."

"Sir, yes, sir." I mocked.

"Are you just calling to dig up old wounds, or--"

I cut him off, my voice suddenly serious, "No I have a reason. I want to report a problem with werecats."

"Really? We haven't seen anything in Seattle. State your coordinates." he said.

"I don't want you to handle this." I said, bluntly, "I want to, but I can't alone."

"So you want to rejoin the Order? I'm sorry Mae, but you need to prove your loyalty first. You left us and dishonored your whole family when you did." he said, with a laugh.

"No, I want a chance to prove my loyalty. I want you to send me some help."

"Help? Since when do you need help?"

"Since I'm facing a Pride of werecats!"

"A Pride? Mae there haven't been prides for years." he said, suddenly serious.

"That's why I need your help." I said, matching his tone.

"Fine. I'll send you some help. And if you get rid of the werecats, and your help says your loyal, then I'll let you back into the order. All you must do is send me your coordinates. Do we have a deal?"


*  *  *

Dex's POV:

I look to the ground, as the sky grows dark with clouds. It'll rain soon. I thought. I was at my Uncle's final resting place now. I knew he did a lot of wrong things but he did protect me, and his Pride with his life. I suppose, in a way, the Pride was his life.

Most of the werecats were worried now. They weren't sure if I was their leader or if they even had one. I suppose I'd be this way too. I started to walk back to camp, I need to regain control of the Pride, if I even had any. Today Nick was luckily silent, but I wished I could use his words to rally the Pride together. 

When I got to camp many of the werecats looked at me expectantly, although there were a few with distrusting looks. I went to the center of camp and look around. Finally the right words came to me.

"Come to the center of camp if you wish to hear my words." I called to the Pride. They all got up and looked at me, their eyes revealing nothing. 

"My name is Dex. I am one of you. I wasn't born a werecat and I'm not sure how many of us really were. I was your Alpha's nephew. He was a strong fighter and a good leader, but he has gone to hunt in the stars." I said, remembering the old werecat legend that dead werecats hunted in the stars. I wasn't sure if I believed it or not.

"I'm not sure if you want my to, or if you'll ever except me, but I will be your next Alpha. I'm the only heir to the Pride and I will protect it with my life, as my Uncle did with his."

"We believe in you, Dex!" Lily called. I had to admire her enthusiasm, but I wish others shared it. Then by some miracle, the werecats joined her in call, saying that they believed in me. I smiled internally, happy to feel like I belonged. It was a good feeling. I was Alpha of a werecat Pride and I would protect it with my life, just as my Uncle had done. Little did I know, the greatest danger I'd ever known was lurking right around the corner.



Hullo guys, this is the last author's note of the book. :,( I know I'm sad, but I see you in the next one, even though it won't be posted for a while... Oh well, I hope you guys enjoyed The Werecat of Lincoln Forest! I will be doing some editing now, then posting the next story. So until next time! Remember to vote and comment! BYE!!!!!!!!!

The pic is because it is funny, so ya, deal with it. Plus it'll entertain meh for hours, and it was a dare from crazycatladymeow! so ya, Po-tay-toes!

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