Chapter 22: Wise Words & Blood Bathes

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Dex's POV

OVER THE LAST THREE WEEKS, nothing interesting really happened. I stuck to the same scheduled, everyday. I only returned to camp once every three days to eat and drink. It wasn't really starvation, oh wait... Yes it was. Now I could count every single one of my ribs.

Nick was always trying to get me to do stuff I didn't want to do, and so was my Uncle. I guess they were trying to get me to become the next Alpha. I was the only other one, besides Mae, that had Alpha blood in the camp. 

My thoughts always seemed to drift back to her, one way or another. I guess I didn't realize how lonely being a bad guy could be. Or was I a bad guy? I didn't know any more. Tonight was the full moon, the whole camp was going to celebrate, my Uncle not dying or something. I was supposed to go to that.

I walked into the camp and I still got the weird faces from the werecats. I guessed it was because I smelled strange. I'm not really sure how to describe the emotions I was feeling. I guess it was a state of shock, or denial, or maybe depression. Was I depressed? I sure did feel depressed. 

I went straight to my Uncle's den. Charlotte was there waiting for me. Her face was calm, she had been accepted into the Pride, almost immediately. I guess it was because she didn't disappear into the woods every three days. She laid a tux out on the bed and walked off. I put it on, and went outside. 

I stood on the side of the wall while the rest of the werecats went to eat. Although the food smelled great, and my stomach rumbled hungrily, I didn't get any. I would eat after everyone else. Someone came and stood by me, and I recognized it as Lily.

"Hi Dex." She said softly.

"Hi Lily." I said, impatiently, "What do you need?"

"Oh, I thought you might need some company." She said, with a sheepish smile.

"Well I don't." I snapped.

"You know, you should work on your people skills." She said.

"Excuse me?"

"When we first met, you refused to speak to me. Now you're just being plain old rude. Did you not learn manners from your parents?" She said.

"No, I learned them. I just prefer not to use them." I said.

"Also, do you know how to bathe? You reek! It's a wonder people stay away from you." 

"You should know." I retorted, although there was a glint of humor in my eyes, "Anything else you would like to share?"

"Umm, well yes. Do you eat properly?" She asked me, "Your clothes look kind of baggy." I glanced down and realized she was right. This outfit would have fit me nicely a few weeks ago, but now they were much too large.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. 

"Yep. I was going to point it out earlier, but your stench caught me off guard." She said, with a smile.

"You right. I haven't eaten in five days, I haven't showered in three weeks and I haven't been the nicest person. I guess it's because I'm missing my other half."

"You mean Mae?" She asked.

"How did you know?"

"It was easy. You were perfectly healthy when you came into the dungeons, and then when you came out there was something missing. You were broken." She said, simply, "You tryed to put yourself back together, by inflicting pain on others, you got power and wealth. You were mostly fixed, but there was still a piece missing. You lost it in the dungeon. It was your happiness."

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