Part one

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~Author Note:Please enjoy! The characters are probably extremely oc. ~

The rules of the court are simple. A knight must never attack an opponent unarmed. A knight must court but never touch a lady of higher status. He must flatter her and demonstrate his affections. A knight was bounded to the rules of Chivalry and Courtly love. Yet there were times those rules were broke. Some knights would strike at someone unfairly or sleep with the women of a higher class. But this isn't a tale of those knight. Oh no this one is a lot more scandalous. It's a story of truly forbidden lovers.

The King's best knight watched from the sidelines while the people of the court danced to the music. His icy blue eyes landing on one person in particular. Prince Stan Marsh. He watched as the Prince danced boredly with the admiring women. The knight couldn't help but be jealous. He has admire the Prince from afar. He dreams of claiming the Prince as his own but alas they were too different. He was of higher status and was male. It wouldn't be as crazy if had fallen for Princess Shelly like he pretends to. The dance ends and the prince bows. The next songs starts and the Prince is Swept away by yet another admirer.

Seeing he wasn't need and with jealously eating at, his heart he left. Why couldn't the knight live out his dreams just once. To hold the prince in his arms. To kiss the sweet lips if even just once. To hear the Prince express his love for him even if it was just for a day. The night drags on and the party dies down. The knight is dismissed for the night.

As he changes out of his armor and into is sleep wear. He was just about to blow out the last candle when there was knock upon the door. After given the permission to enter, a beautiful young serf stepped into the room. It was the Prince's personal servant.

"The Prince has requested you to see you," she said quietly.

"Of course I shall be there once I redress."

"He said to come as you are and to keep it a secret."

"Oh. As the Prince wishes."

"Follow me sir," She lead him through a secret passageway.

She leads him through a dark staircase. She was was quiet and careful. The stairs were crumbling. There was dust and cobwebs. Finally the reach the top. When they step out they were at the end of a long faintly lit hallway. At the other end was the Prince's room. They slowly crept down the hall. The serf open the door and let in the knight. The Prince was sitting up in his bed.

She bowed and spoke quietly "My Prince I brought him just as you requested."

"Thank you, Tamara. You are dismissed," Prince Stan said with wave of his hand.

She bowed again and left. The knight stood there and didn't speak. Once the door was closed, and silence filled the large bedroom. The Prince relaxed and smiled.

"Craig don't look so stiff," Prince Stan told the Knight.

"But my Prince someone one of my status should not be so casual around you," Craig stated.

"Craig we have know each other forever. Stop being so stuffy."

"Why have you called me in here my Prince?"

"Drop the act and lay with me."

Craig blushed, "B-but my Prince that would be improper."

Stan pouted, "Craig."

"Yes my Prince."

"Come here now."

Craig walks over, "Yes your majesty."

"Lay down with me."

"Wouldn't you rather have a lady in your bed."

"No I want you. Now cuddle with me. That's an order."

"As you wish."

"Stop it. I want you to act like you not your title."

Craig nods and lays with Stan. Stan smiles and nuzzles Craig's toned chest. Craig blushed and wrapped his arm around the prince. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't resist.


"Yes S-Stan."

"I seen the way you looked at the girls when they danced with me. Were you jealous?"

"I'm afraid I was my Prince."

"And why was that?"

"Because I wanted all your attention for me. I do not wish to share you."

"You may be the best knight Craig but you are quite stupid."

"How so?"

"I only have eyes for you. Your the only one that I love."

"But my Prince. Our love can never be. You need a beautiful lady to love not someone as lowly as me."

"I don't care. Promise me you love me and only me. I don't want no one else to have you."

"Of course my Prince. I am all yours."

"Good. Then you shall meet me in my room every night and leave at sunrise. No one is to know."

"As you wish my love."

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