Part 7

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A.N.: PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! I have had a lot going on and was gonna discontinue this story but decided not to. So here is a new short chapter.

Stan struggled against Craig's hug. This wasn't fair. Finally Stan gave in and sobbed. Craig picked up Stan and sat on the bed cradling him. After about an hours Stan stopped crying.

"When?" Stan asked with a scratchy throat.

"In two nights," Cracked answered sadly.

"Do you have to?"

Stan knew the answer. Of course the best knight was going to fight in a war. He didn't know why there was war.

"Of course I do Stan. I wish I could stay and have it just us but it won't happen."

"Remember when you said you would run away. Let's do that."

"We can't. You made a promise to Lady Testaburger."

Stan sighed defeated. He cling to Craig like his life depended on it. He staddles Craig and kissed him eagerly. Craig welcomed him by wrapping his arms around Stan's waist. Stan pulled away panting.

"Make love to me." Stan demanded.

"But love there are still rays of the sun that warms the surface."

"I don't care. I want it now and don't stop until I say so."



"You know I can't."

Stan banged his fist against Craig's chest, "You don't love me! Your gonna leave me. You won't give me what I want. Your so unfair. You're so mean. I hate you. I hate you."

Craig tried to comfort Stan although the words the prince shouted cut into worse than any thing. Stan continue till he was all out of steam and was yet again a big crying mess.

"L-leave. I don't want to see you," Stan whispered.


"Guards! There is a strange man in my room!"

Craig heard the footsteps of the guards and bolted. Craig was gone by the time the guards came in.

"Prince Stan! Where is the strange man?" A guard asked.

"He went out the window and disappeared. I couldn't see his face," he lied.

"We will search the property."

The guards left and went looking for the imaginary perp. Stan cried quietly in his room. His pain echoing against the wall. He wept till he fell asleep.

Craig sat in his room depressed. He couldn't believe what Stan did. He was acting like a spoiled brat. He was felt broken. He laid on his bed and let the tears flow free without making a sound. Stand words echoed in his head. You don't love me. I hate you. He knew Stan didn't mean it but the pain was still there. He laid in his bed until he had to get ready. He didn't sleep. His eyes where puffy and red. He stood guard outside the dining room as he always does.

Stan woke up feeling guilty his heart heavy with pain. He got ready and went down to eat. He seen Craig in his station. He can tell Craig didn't sleep. His heart felt heavier than before. As he approached Craiged bowed as expected but there was no good morning. Not a sound passed the knights lips. Today was gonna be a long day.

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