Chapter 3 - Mad Men

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Jonathan arrived back at his office at about 8:45. Many of the doctors were getting ready to go home, as the night doctors began to show up for there shifts. Jonathan was normally a day doctor, but tonight he stayed to observe 'Two Face over night to see if the Liquified Fear Gas he injected into his blood stream had any negative or life threatening effects. He opened his office door, just as the phone on his desk began to ring. 'Timing' he said to himself as he locked the door behind him. 'Hello This is Dr.Crane' he said picking up the phone as he sat down in his chair. 'Mr. Dent has been moved to Maximum Security Cellblock cell number 51' the voice on the phone said. Jonathan opened his top left desk drawer, and pulled out a copy of the Asylums floor plan. '51 right?' He asked as he looked over the floor plan 'That's right next to Nigmas cell'. 'Is that a problem Dr?' The voice on the phone continued. Jonathan paused for a moment as he continued to study the floor plan. 'Umm can he possibly be moved to cell 77?' Crane asked. The voice on the phone did not answer immediately, 'That's between two empty cells though? Why do you want him isolated from other inmates?' Crane smirked slightly trying to hide it as if the person on the phone could see him, 'Research purposes' he said. 'Fine' the man on the phone said sounding irritated. 'Thank you' Crane said as he hung up the phone. He began writing information down as he watched a CCTV feed on his computer from cell 77. 'Good' he said as he watched two large guards carry Two Face bound in a strength jacket screaming about snacks and a scarecrow.
'We got him right were we won't him!! Do it know!! Activate it Johnny!!!! I need to hear his screams!!!' Scarecrow said inside his head.
'Not yet, another dose of the fear gas to soon after the last could kill him.' Crane snapped at Scarecrow as he continued to write down his observations. 'We need him alive for the tests to succeed'.
Crane began to sweat as he continued to write, his handwriting becoming sloppy trying to resist Scarecrow.
'Let me take care of this Johnny old boy.' Scarecrow said trying to persuade Jonathan.
Crane slammed his hand on the table and yelled 'WE ARE NOT DOING THAT. SO SHUT UP AND DONT TRY AND MAKE ME A MURDERER!!!' Jonathan had killed many people before when he let Scarecrow take over, but he try's  to repress the memories.
Scarecrow backed down and Jonathan began to regain full control of himself. 'Good' he said catching his breath, 'Now let's start phase two of our little project' he reached into the open desk drawer and pulled several inmate files. 'Let's see' he said putting his glasses as he began to search for the one he wanted. 'Pamela Isly no, Victor Freeze no, Oswald Cobblepot no' he said as he got to the last one in the stack, 'Ah, Jervis Tetch, time to pay the Hatter a visit'

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