Chapter 6- The Note You Never Wrote

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Harley Quinn, a young woman, about 5'8 with blonde hair with red and black highlights that she kept in two pony tails she wore the typical Arkham inmate/patient jump suit but unbuttoned it so her breasts stuck out a little more then they should. She sat on her bed in her cell with the look of love in her eyes and a notebook in her lap. 'Can't wait to see you puddin!! Love Harley.' she wrote with a smile on her face. She closed the book and held it to her chest as she laid back on her bed. 'Ahhhh, Mr.J!' She said still smiling.
She would write to Joker everyday telling him how she was and how much she missed him, but since she can't send them to him without telling the Asylums doctors were he is, so she just keeps them in the notebook. All 351 of them.
Screams came from the cell next to her, she quickly say up looking pissed off, 'SHUT THE FUCK UP HARV' she said angrily 'IM TRYING TO WRITE TO MR.J!'
Without Joker there to keep her in check, she would snap from time to time. 'Why the hell did they move me to this cell anyway?' She asked her self as she rested her head on her knees. 'I was perfectly fine being next to Ivy!' Her and Ivy got along very well, they respected each other,and respect is something that you don't find often in Arkham.
The screams continued coming from Two Faces cell 'NO!...NO...NO MORE!!!.PLEASE!!!!'
'WHY WONT YOU JUST SHUT UP! FOR FUCKS SAKE!' she yelled as she banged on the wall of her cell. 
'Poor Harv' Riddler said with a bit of a frown as he leaned against Harley's Cell, 'Just hasn't been the some person since he's been here'
Harley quickly became her normal chipper self again as she looked up seeing him. 'Hey there Eddie' she said with a smile. 'What brings you to my neck of the woods?' She asked as she stood up from her bed.
'Nothing much, just came to see were the screams were coming from. I was trying to enjoy my mid afternoon nap, but couldn't with his screaming' he said gesturing at Harvey's cell. 'It's so out of character for him'
'Maybe he lost his coin again' she said jokingly. The both laughed for a moment.
'Oh, while I'm here' he said with a slight grin on his face,'have you found any of my tro......,'he started to say but was cut off
'NIGMA!' a Austrian voice yelled from down the hall, 'DO YOU HAVE THE MONEY YOU OWE ME FROM
OUR LAST CARD GAME YET!??' the man yelled.
'Oh shit!!!' Riddler said as he took off running the opposite direction. 'It was nice talking to you Eddie!!!' Harley said leaning out her cell door waving to him.
'Good afternoon Ms. Harley' the man said as he walked by her chasing after Riddler.
'High ya Victor!' she said  sounding chipper as ever.
'Sorry I can't stay and talk, I've got to get my money from Nigma' Victor said as he continued walking down the hall.
'Oh wait!!! Hold on!!' Harley said as she cartwheeled back to her bed and pulled out what looked like a neon green question mark on a trophy stand, and skipped back to him.
'Here ya go!' she said with a smile as she handed him the trophy, 'Give this back to Eddie for me!!!'
Victor looked at it for a moment and said 'Cool' as he began walking down the hall again. 'By Vic!!!' She said as he walked away from her 'Stay frosty!!!!'.
Victor rounded the corner into the next hall and next set of cells, almost running into Jonathan as he walked the hall.
'Afternoon Freeze' Crane said with almost a forced smile. 'Hello Dr.' He said back to him as they went there separate ways.
'Excuse me, Ma .Quinn' Jonathan said as he stood in the door way to her cell. 'Hi there Mr.Crane!!!!' Harley said as she sat on her bed again. Jonathan took off his glasses and said 'Ms.Quinn, we need to talk'

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