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*Jimmy walks in*

Jimmy: Huh. Nice. Very clean. Very much like Mr. Barrow--

Thomas: James! What're you doing here! You're not supposed to be here! Out!

*Jimmy pouts*

Jimmy: Aw c'mon, Mr. Barrow, I was jus' bored. I'm not disrupting anything.

Thomas: This isn't for you though. Don't you have housework to do? Carson will be after you and I won't be there to save you this time. You need to take responsibility for once in your life.

Jimmy: Oh, like you?

Thomas: ...

Jimmy: Thought so. *looks at camera*
Anyway--see, I'm doing you a favor, Mr. Barrow!--ask this old bugger questions. You can ask me too if you'd like. And hold nothing back! *grins*

Thomas: Oh Lord... *rolls eyes*

Author: People I tagged, you don't have to ask a question. I tagged you because I know you love this show as much as I do. If you do ask something, know that I will love you forever! And so will Thomas, even though he'll never admit it! #Thommy I ship it, guys. Low-key. So that's implied. Anyway thank you, friends!

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