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MissPen123 asked: Thomas, if you weren't an Under Butler, what job would you like?

**Nicholas Cage cat clock. You're welcome.**

Thomas: Huh, good question. I never thought of that before. But the answer would totally be a male prostitute.

*Author hits Thomas on the head*

Thomas: Ow! Bloody hell! I was joking! Christ! *rubs head crossly* Anyway, I'd have to think of that for awhile. I wouldn't have minded working in my father's clock shop honestly. But that wouldn't have happened, not after he found out... I'd have liked to be my own man too, given the opportunity. Like not be in service at all. Be my own boss. But I'm not quite sure what I'm good at, so... *shrugs lazily* Anyway, cheers for all the questions, MissPen123 The author would like me to tell you she loves you <3

~~to be continued~~

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