2. The Library

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I read the diary for millionth time, still as clueless as I was before reading it.

It only had happy memories.

There was no mention of any sad happening. Few pages were torn from the diary.

I had searched the entire house and every nook and corner for the torn pages but still had no idea where they were.

One possible explanation was she had torn them herself, which I highly doubt; and other someone else had, but who would she show it too?

Ethan could be the one, but then again where was Ethan.

I had been trying to trace him for over an year now.

But he had vanished.

I shoved the diary angrily in my sling and got up to leave as the bell rang.

"Hey! Would you like to come over to the Annual School Magazine Meet with me?"
Alec called after me.

He was a cute brunette guy with dimples. He was A listed student of the school unlike me who belonged to the jocks.

He had been crushing on me since eighth grade and had been become quiet vocal about it fairly recently, despite Jake's constant threats.

"Urmm.. I'm sorry to disappoint you but Meets and Meetings don't fall under my idea of fun"

I said not looking into his green eyes.

He had been trying very hard to get me to give him a chance which I always declined.

I would have loved to be with him if I didn't had this obsession of avenging Tiff's death on my mind.

It was futile to lead him into something when I couldn't reciprocate the same.

"Okay. Maybe sometime later"

He smiled highlighting his dimples.

All I could do was smile in return.

He was very optimistic.

"Urm.. Alec. When is it?"

I called after him.

"Day after tomorrow. 12:30 pm. Why?"

He asked expectantly.

I knew I was being selfish,
"Pick me up at 12. I don't like guys who are late"

I said walking towards the library, leaving a dreamy Alec in the halls.

I walked towards the library.

I was bunking French, but it hardly mattered.

I was a good student of Madame Veronica.

I saw Jake carrying Emily in his arms.

"Did you walk without your boxers in the field, today?"
I asked him.

Emily was a platinum blonde and the head cheerleader. She had been trying to get into Jake's pant for almost two years now.

"She fainted and being a gentleman I had to carry her.
But I'm wounded to know you think of me as a stripper"

He said making a cry baby face.

"Not a stripper but an opportunist"

I replied flatly.

"I would love to have an opportunity to strip for you"
He said smirking.

"That's between my worst nightmare and your wildest dream"

I said rolling my eyes.

"Burger King after school?"

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