Chapter 2

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I have a usually long morning, between Tristan hogging the bathroom and Taylor's morning battle to get out the bed. If that wasn't enough, I helped my uncle whip himself down and fed him breakfast. "No phone for the rest of the week" I tell Tristan when she enters the kitchen. "Whatever" she rolled her eyes opening the mostly empty fridge except some ribs I took from the bar. "Steal us some lagunie tonight" she said closing the fridge door. "I don't steal" I snap handing Uncle Kyle a napkin. "Do you want to watch TV?", I asked hating to leave him laying all day, but it was only till the kids got home and our neborgh, who once looked in on us, looked in on him.
"Taylor!" I yell snapping on the TV. "He's in the shower" Tristan huffs. sighing I turn to her, "Help, Uncle Kyle". Going to the back I manage them both out the door seven:forty, making them in time And me late, but the morning rush is on my side and Lucy needs me, but she's eyeing me with I-could-fire-you look all bosses have.
After, I get the chance I go to the bathroom and dampen my face, looking up in the mirror I grimace. I avoid mirrors everywhere because they say I'm older and older every time I look in them. My blonde hair falls in natural curls to mid back when its down, my tan skin looks like I'm fighting for so model position, I'm skinny to work at so many food places, and I'm short barely 5'3. I look like I could be anorexic, not a dream of mine really. Drying my face, I leave the bathroom wrapping my hair into a tight bun that only falls. Vivian smiles at me not viciously, just a passing smile, "Want a hand?" I yawn, shaking my head , "I just have to manage". Its for the best I learn that now, settling in to the slow thought, I looked for him. Every face blurred together, because none where him, it seemed for every breath I took it got shorter and shorter till I was panting gasping for air, no amount of deep breaths filled my lungs, like oxygen was no longer good enough. It came to an end when the Cafe closed all that was left was disappointment. I caught my breath, and whipped my face before walking home.
"Your stupid" I hear Taylor yelling, before I turn the key. "I don't have time for there magic b.s. today right now. "Taylor"I yell pushing open the door, Tristan is hovering over him with her hand smushing in his face, while the other pulled his hair. "Tristan" I snapped, going over to her. Pulling her off him I see the blood rushing down her arm, and glare down at him, "It wasn't me" he said, quickly. I looked at her and she looked down not meeting my eyes, I felt like my woos and ohhs just got worst in that minute right there, why was she bleedong? She wasn't crazy she knew what happened if you bleed, you die.
"Go, do your homework" I tell him, taking Tristan by her good arm I drag her to the kitchen and do my best to patch up the gash. "What happened?" I asked, breathing slowly. "Why does it matter all you do is ground me" she said not raising her blonde head. I rubb my arms trying to warm myself, and this feeling away. Fear was creeping, that possibly she had attempted the unthinkable, but she knew her wrist from her arm.
"Because if you die I have to pay for your funeral" I snap at her. She looks up at me with glossed over hazel eyes, "I hate you" she cried lowering her head. I swallowed the pain, I felt in the pit of my throat and nodded, "Yeah, well, your grounded from sharp stuff now to, go take a shower" I tell her, she gets up fast and runs to the bathroom, but careful not to slam any doors, meaning uncle Kyle had a moment. I rack my hair back before opening the cabinet with all his medicine in it, sighing I look for the one with 'melt down' tapped over it. Shaking it, I feel no hope, looking at the time, I feel captured, but right now I don't have time to care, or think about it, bills don't take vacations, bellies don't feed themselves, and medication, no matter how much you buy, don't last.
I change going out the door, only stoping checking to see Taylor doing his homework, I get to work only five minutes late. "Your late?" Caz says popping some kind of fried scalped thing in his mouth. I nod, thing up my hair, "Bad day?" He asked. Full of disappointments, I only give him a flashy smile, "come on guff ball" I grab two hot plates looking at the drop off table, groaning, "I'm working the whiners". "No, the Rich" he said, hip bumping me carefully so I wouldn't drop anything. I deliver the plates take orders and smile, our boss is serious about the smiling thing guest need to feel your joy its contagious. All I could feel was the money they had plenty of slip into my hand, that didn't have nearly enough. I thought about becoming a stripper once, but two things stopped me. One I'm self conscious of my body, from my toes to the short blonde hairs that refused to lie down. Two, I can't dance, no rythem at all I tried once, the dancing thing, I looked like something neededing to be pit out of it misery.
"Tully" called one of the men from a table I was working. I gritted my teeth under my smile, "Its Tally, sir". He nods smiling like he cares, but it written in his eyes he doesn't, "Right! Can you bring me a double scotch?" I work in the bar I know drunk, so I bring him root beer mixed with a dap of ginger el, he drank it like it was the strongest stuff he ever had. Caz laughed till he wet himself, when I told him, because the guy walked out wobbling knees.
Some people where truly there only to make a full of themselves, but his thirty dollar tip wasn't anything to turn away because of it.

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