Chapter 9

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The next week something was going on at the office, It was always busy, with no time. I was answering the phones four times as much than usual. I was on the phone when Mr. Abello came in with a group of men. "I want to change the due date, move it forward" he was speaking swiftly to them. He didn't stop to talk to me, he didn't even glance at me. "Ah  yes, ma'am" I told her. "Well, um I was asking about the pricing of the ships" she said. "Oh, oh, let me get the information for you" I said , spinning around I dug around for the paper with the information. I can't believe I had ignored a client just because he was ignoring me. He had been ignoring me for almost two weeks. I should have gotten use to it by now.

After work I was standing in the lounge with Ryan, Eve, Skylynn, and Hillary had all gather together. "I think we should get a couple of bears" Eve put in. "On a Monday, Eve. Lets just get Chinese" Skylynn was older more mature women, she worked in engineering. Hillary like Eve and I did secretarial work. "Let's go clubbing" Ryan suggested getting a dirty look from both Hillary and Skylynn. Eve quickly agreed. "Let's take a vote" Hillary said, ever so diplomatic. "All for clubbing" two hands shot up. Ryan nudged me and I looked at both Hillary and Skylynn. Honestly, I didn't want to go out. I wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to be able to afford to move in four months, I wanted Tristan to be good at Ice skating and Taylor to enjoy Hockey. I wanted my uncle to stop being so sad. I wanted to buy his  medicine and not feel guilty it wasn't the best brand. I wanted those kinds of thing. I was so sensitive these days.

I raised my hand slightly. "It's been decided" Ryan said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Take your arm off of her" came a harsh voice, scaring us all. Turning  around, Leo was standing looking absolutely mouth watering, he was really a sight. His black hair was wild, his clean crisp blue shirt was slightly unbuttoned, and his blue icy eyes seem to burn with a red hot fire. I think I did wet myself. He stood straight his jacket was in his hand being squeezed tightly from the red of his hand.

I looked at Ryan, stepping away from him, I had thought about what Leo had said about his job. I could not be the reason he got fired. "Don't you know the rules about PDA in this Building" Leo was practically growling at him, like a animal fighting for territory. Leo was the Lion, and Ryan...Ryan was like a muskrat.

Ryan stuffed his hands in his pockets, Leo look at me dead in the eye. "I know you know, Tally, I told you personally what would happen if I saw you doing it" his voice was tight, and I did my best not to step back. "We are just friends , Mr. Abello" Ryan tried. Leo didn't take his eyes off my, "I'm no longer talking to you". I  dropped my eyes to the ground, "I think I better go home". "I'll drive you" Leo said, tightening his grip on his suit jacket. "I can take a cab" I muttered, looking at him. "I won't let you" he said, walking past me, he didn't touch me or grab onto me, he just walked right past me letting me get a whiff of his deep man scent.

"Well, I guess we can go out another night" Skylynn said. "Sorry, Ryan" I mumbled, waving to the girls I ran after Leo. The wind was fierce as he was, making me chilling me as soon as I exited the building "Do you want me to fire him?" Leo asked, as I ran up behind him.  "No" blinking at the wind watering up my eyes. "Are you testing me than?" I shook my head, "No". He turned around, "Than what?" he wasn't shouting but his voice rose. I coughed, sniffling, "I didn't mean to". He softened slightly,   releasing his jacket he laid it around my shoulders, I looked up at him. "You should get a thicker jacket" he said. "For a California Winter?" I asked. "It's still winter" he said, stepping closer letting his body heat warm me, I took a step forward as well, "I'm don't want Ryan to lose his job" I clarified. "I do" He muttered, pulling the keys out his pocket, he started to turn stopping he looked at me, He looked me up than down, slowly, taking me all in.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "I missed you" he said. I blushed, I felt the warmth come from out of nowhere and all of a sudden I was burning up. I understood how he felt,  we saw each other, but didn't have time to see each other. "I missed you to" I said, looking down at my shoes.  He laughed, folding his arms, "I think you have a crush on me". I laughed, looking up at him. "Don't worry" he said closing the gap between up, so that my sweater was rubbing the fabric of his shirt. Lowering his head he let his warm nose touch mine, rubbing it gently against mine, "I've had a crush on you much longer". Pulling away slowly, he unlocked the car, "Come on, I'll take you home".

We parked the car in front of my building, sitting there, I pulled at my fingers, not knowing exactly what was going on. He sighed leaning his seat back, "I'm exhausted". I looked over at him, he had laid back, thrown an arm over his eyes, and looked at if he really might fall asleep. "You should go home and sleep" I told him. "I don't want to" he mumbled in a sleep ridden voice. "I think you should" he didn't even reply only shook his head. "Tell me about your favorite day?" he asked. "Ever?" I asked. "Ever" he mumbled. Closing my eyes, I try to remember it, the best day ever.

"My mom had made sugar cookies the whole house smelled like it and Tristan was putting flowers in my hair, Taylor was sleep on my dad's lap. We had been up all night watching a marathon of some science show my dad liked. I don't remember a single episode, but it was almost noon. My mom could never sleep when the sun was up. So her baking wasn't surprising, It was nice, the loudest sound in the whole house was Taylor's snoring. We laughed about it the entire night. Later that day, my parents took us to visit our uncle. We played outside, me and Tristan our dad chased around till the sunset, our mom helped our aunt make lemonade and a big dinner that they had brought over. It was like the fourth of July" I didn't realize that as I spoke, that day, what that day really was. "Than, my mom said she left something at the house. My dad offered to go with her, I don't remember saying bye, I just remember my mom sliding me twenty dollars and telling me to watch my siblings...Till they got back" my throat seem  to close. "I did...but they never came back though, my mom and dad, they never returned with what they forgot. I think th-that they found what they had lost when they were alone again, and knew if they came back to us, they would lose it again" I huffed. When I opened my eyes Leo's face was near mine, his hand was wiping it with the palm of his hand than the other side.

Touching my face I felt why, I was crying. I was telling him some stupid story. "That's your favorite memory?" he asked softly. I nodded, choking a little as tears constantly dropped, "It's just a reminder just how quick someone's mind can change, even if they love you and you love them. Leo, my parents loved me" I was all but sobbing now. "I believe that" he said stroking my hair back. "They love their freedom more, though" I told him, pushing away his hand, I whipped my own tears.

"I'm afraid to ask your worst day" he said, looking at me closely. I laughed, hard pushing away my sorrow in that laugh. "I think it's the best because it was the last". Looking at the time, I grabbed my bag, "I should go". He grabbed my bag, "It's my turn". Still sniffling, I put my bag down I kicking off my shoes curling up in the seat, holding my knees to my chest.  "I'll let mine in story form, I meet the sun" he said, looking at me, he reached out stroking my hair. "The sun?" I asked pulling back. He grabbed my shoulder bring my closer than before, "Yes, the sun". "It was bright and smiling, it made me warm all over in places that ever man keeps frozen, my own Pride was willing to break. It spoke to me with a voice of a hummingbird, feeding me sweet rich fruit, burning away all my worries. The sun seemed to dance and spin around me, all day. It was like I couldn't escape it. The sun that makes the world go around, was following me around. At first it made me nervous, but then I realized that I needed it, the sun. I needed the sun more than just for that day, that moment. I needed that sun for the rest of my life." he whispered leaning in, slowly. I looked up into his bright icy blue eyes, that stared deep into my eyes. "Lo specchio per l'anima". I shivered than, I didn't know what  it meant, but it was the sexiest thing that had ever came out this man's mouth and he has said some sexy stuff.

  His lips tightened, leaning down slightly, "I know what I said, but I don't think I can wait". Carefully, he pushed me into my seat following down, till I was pressed between him and the seat with no escape , "Before you do that, the story, I mean memory" I smiled "What was that?" He smile a tiny smile that barely touched the features on his face, but made his eyes soft like puddles "Of the day I meet you". I laughed, "That's so corny". He laughed rubbing his nose against mine, before laying back into his own seat. We sat quiet for a little longer, "Was that really the greatest day?" I asked. "No, but it's a close second" he said. I laughed, reaching over hitting him in the arm, he shoot up and looked at me with a goofy grin on his face. "Your not funny" I said. "It made you laugh" he said still wearing that silly face.  

"I need to get in the house" I said, grabbing my bag once more. "Who's stopping you" he locked the door, grinning. "Are you serious?" I asked. "It's really comfy seats" he said, patting them. "I really-" "Need to sleep" he leaned back, closing his eyes. "Me too. Goodnight, Tesoro".


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