Chapter 3

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That night, I gathered all the knifes and hid them, putting the pasta in the fridge I fell out in the kitchen not ready to face my twin size bed next to Taylor, who slept on the bunk bed that he shared with Tristan.
The next day the whole process repeated only today we were on time, life seemed to have its ups, then its down, then a period you just can't complain. I have had a lot of downs, so I'd settle for a moment of not complaining.
"We got the water?" I asked Taylor who had the list, "I got four bottles" He said. "I got the vegetables" Tristan flips her hair off her shoulders. I touch my hair that was tied up in a messy bun, with gray sweats, and a baggy boy navy blue shirt.
For a girl in hand me downs and thifties she looked amazing. I smiled, nodding "okay we can all get a snack". Uncle kyle only ate one thing and I let the kids pick mine unless they couldn't find something they agreed on. They both smiled up at me, "We already got those to". I looked at them both, "I didn't know you guys like grocery shopping so much". "Yeah, well we don't like starving either" Taylor said like he starved for more then a week, at the most. I did a big shopping day every first of the month spending all the grocery money, it lasted usually until the very last month. These kids let nothing go to waste, to many nights going to bed hungry.
After everything's put away the day begins to between washing, entertaining my uncle, and cooking. I sleep well enough for a full day of work, between school, my first job, my siblings and the bar. Tuesday, Taylor had a baseball game, that he literally told me to miss, because unless I came up with three hundred dollars he couldn't go to finals and he was going. The team had gone undefeated and while I had been looking forward to watch him play this game, I much rather see him in the championship game, that I had to play for him to attend. So I went to work and dreaded it. I felt all kinds of bad, stopping at table refilling drinks, all I could think about was Tatlorw and the home run he was whacking at that moment. He was a very good player.

"Good Evening, can I bring you a bottle of the house wine?" I asked whipping out my notepad, only glancing at the crisp designer jacket before giving a soft snort that was unheard behind my pad, Here comes Taylor trip and new clets.

"Tally, wasn't it?" my head snapped up, the deep concentrated voice that was cover with a sexy accent and made my entire body shudder. and meeting his icy blue empty eyes, I needed to pee all of a sudden. He was so perfect still with dark curly hair, tan skin, with a smile so perfect it was a crime, he looked so well together and made me rock on my heels. He looked different though in a suit so put together. He was wearing a bow tie and everything. He was a knock out. I openly was staring at the man wondering how in the world any women could function in his presence. I swallowed hard, not even sure what was going on. He was staring at me, and I at him, like no one else was around.

"Leonardo" said a harsh voice that, was dipped in a accent that I knew well, Spanish. Turning my head slightly , I felt a blush rush to my neck, and down my to my toes. How embarrassing. Of course, he had a girlfriend and here I was mooning over him ,like a ninny. I wanted to die. I knew that wasn't an option though, because then Taylor might think it was an okay idea. Sighing, I put on my fake smile and try to ignore the pounding on my heart. "I can bring you any wine". "Bring us your best bottle" said the women and I nod. "Will that be all?" "Bring me, a glass of scotch" he said, with his voice vibrating. I nod, and turn walking double time. I stumble down the stairs from the patio, and into the kitchen area, running then to Caz, who is goofing off with one of the other female waiter.

"Caz" I say, a little out of breath. "Girl, you don't need to work so hard" He said, when he saw my flushed face and damp hair sticking to my moist face. He was having effects on me. "I need you to take my tables, I'll work yours" I tell him. "Fine, the Patio tip better" Caz says taking it lightly. True, I was giving up so nice cash flow for something so trivial as a man. Leonardo, the women had called him. He seemed like a Leonardo tall, dark, mysterious, and obviously filthy rich. I'm not saying only rich people eat here, but very few who aren't do.

I took the inside tables till closing time where it was time to clean up, I hadn't even spotted him leave, but I didn't let that worry me. I needed to help close up and see if I could take home some cake, Tristan would act like I'd given him half the world if I did. I walked out onto the patio, taking in a deep breath, before looking around at the undone tables. It didn't seem like that many tonight. "Tally" called Caz from the private patio. I looked up at him, and he signaled at me. That was reserved for very exclusive people, they gave the worst attitudes and the best tips. The threw away money, how they sat up there and still gave big tips blew my mind. It only seated Five and the seats were spread far apart like they didn't want everyone to see them.

Rolling my eyes, I take the steps two at a time up, "You can't do anything alone". Arriving at the top, my mouth drops as I looked at the man with Icy blue eyes looking at me, with a devil smile on his lips. Caz walks towards me, "He requested a word with you, and he knows our boss" Caz whispers as he passes me. I glance at him to find him staring at me. Dropping my head, I look at my shoes then back at him then my shoes. Trying to slow down my heart, and resist the urge to faint due to my body working over time.

The air was thick with something other than pollution, he was silent for to long. "Can I get you anything, Sir". "Leonardo, but you will call me Leo" for a second I just let his words register in my mind, before I nodded, "Yes, Mr. Leo" he's my boss's friend, I like this job, hell I need this job. "Just Leo, Tally" He took a sip of his drink. "I waited all night for you" he said, making my breath catch, and eyes bulge, "What? Why?" I asked shocked. Why would a man, any man wait for me, looking down at my own outfit I wince, and my face was plain and I was plain. No, men seemed to be rather repealed by me, and there was no way a man Like Leo, liked me. He must wanted to repay me for upsetting his date.

"Stop it" he practically growled, making me jump. "I have never had patience, for anything in my life.I don't like to wait, It brings out my darker side" he says taking a deep audible breath, before letting it out. "Come over here" he commanded and my legs moved without my body. When I stood beside his chair, he stood, hovering over me like a tower. His empty ice eyes looked over me, I felt like I was under inspection, but for what. "How old are you?" He asked. "Nineteen" I admitted. He gave a humorless laugh, grinning, "You're young". I nod, "I'll be twenty in May". "I'll be twenty-nine in August" He tells me. I look up at him, meeting his eyes, a grin playing on his edge of his mouth, then away and back, rocking on my heels. "Well, if that's all I really need-" he cuts in "I waited all night to see you. I don't think you have to go anywhere". I opened my mouth then closed, my stomach twisted. I was scared, he seemed like that man who I saw at the diner who could do some harm. Maybe right now he was doing some kind of damage. "Come on, I'll drive you home" He said. "Oh, I can't!" I whine. I'll get fired. "You can, and you will" he glares making me take a step back making his arm shoot out and grip my bare arm. The heat of his rough hands do something to me. His grip is like steel, but his touch is indescribable. It like falling, but knowing there will be no end.

"Don't ever pull away from me, Tally. I don't like it" he murmurs, threateningly. Licking my lips, I search his eyes for some kind of something, "You don't like a lot of things". His lips pull and a smile forms on them now, a genuine one that is like a angle landed on his face or something. "I like you, Tally".

This is not an abusive story he will not be hitting her

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