chapter 3

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Jacob had texted me. How he knew my kik would be a mystery. Someone with a username yellowgrayidgaf, should be hard to find right. Only my friends knew kik. This just got crazy.

Anonymous POV
I know Jacob sent Abena a message. He wants her back but with me here this is not going to happen. I will have him wrapped around my fingers in a snap.

Abena POV
I read the text and it said "I need to talk to you" my heart was beating like crazy. Me and Jacob barely talked anymore after last year.

I quickly texted Cara.
Me: Car
Cara: stop calling me that but yes.
Me: Guess what happened
Cara: you finally did ur hw for the first time. 👏👏🙏
Me: that's not it and FYI I already did half of my hw.
Cara: omg 😂😂😂
Me:anyways Jacob texted me
Cara: how, when, why, what?
Me: lol. Ikr.
Cara: wat he did he say?
Me: He wanted to talk to me.
Cara: how did he know ur kik.
Me: I have no freaking idea.
Cara: ttyl😘😘
Me:😘 you too.

Anonymous POV
Abena is all hyped up about this maybe I should start a rumour about her so Jacob will leave. I might as well tell her parents.
Sweet,sweet revenge.

Jacob POV
I sent Abena a message 5 minutes ago, will she answer me.
2 hours later
She didn't respond. Wat did I do wrong. Little did Jacob know that Abena will answer her.

Abena POV
I have been staring at my phone for the past 2 hours should I answer the text. Sighing as I stood up I went to get something to eat  but I heard the doorbell ring. I made my way to the door but when I opened the door nobody was there except for a note on the floor

Dear Abena I know you think you are all this and all that but seriously do you think anyone wants you. You are a selfish and worthless person and no matter what you do I will have Jacob and any other boy avoid you. Two can play this game you know. I know you don't know who this is but you will find out when I bring you down.
                                     Screw you.

I just thought to myself what idiotic person is this. I don't feel threatened at all, although this might be some psychopath who just wants,what they can't have. I walked back to the kitchen to get my dinner.

My dad walked in tired as usual. "Abena I got a call from your school that you have been zoning out in classes lately. You shall not bring disgrace to this family so you better pay attention"

I sigh and respond "Yes father". It's just very complicated how this year has been. Soo much stuff happening. Abena still had not responded back and she had no idea what to do.

Short chapter I know. Until the next update xoxo.

When?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora