chapter 2

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I had to edit the story again. Sorry. Xoxo

My alarm was loud as a chainsaw when it went off 5:30 am. I mentally groaned and put it to snooze. 45 minutes later my alarm went off again. It was now 6:15 am. I got up, stretched out and went to sleep again.

"Abena! Abena! ABENA!!!!!. Get up from your bed you will be late for school and I'm driving you to school today" it was my dad's voice. It was currently 7:00 am. That was the time I usually left home but since I was soo sleepy today that's not happening.

Sighing as I stood up, I went to take a shower. By 7:15 I was done and I started to dress up. My school had a uniform policy. Khaki pants and the school shirt with my black leather hush puppies. By 7:30 I was in the kitchen making myself a bowl of cereal.

We lived in a regular apartment on the 4th floor. My building only had 4 floors and no elevator. I know right, it's a struggle to climb up those stairs.My mom usually left home at 7 am and came home at 9 pm, she works in Manhattan. My dad was a nurse, he starts work at 8:30 am so he has time to drop me off me at school.

By 7:50 I was done eating and my dad called me so he can drop me off. I honestly didn't want to go school today but when you live in a house with African parents that's definitely a no.

School starts at 8:15. I waved goodbye to my dad and entered the school building. 10 more minutes till school starts. I was greeted by a pair of familiar brown eyes and dark black hair. My best friend was in th cafeteria waving me over.

"Hi Abena" she said. "Sup Cara". I engulfed her in a hug. I have known Cara since 6th grade and we were in 9th now. We became best friends in 7th grade. "I'm surprised you are here this early Cara" I said. "Shut up Abena, there's a first for everything" she said.

"Lol. But there isn't for you" I joked. Car is the only one out of my friends besides Selena that can deal with my craziness and sarcasm. I noticed the twins coming towards my table Joanna and Jonah. I'm very close to the twins in our friendship. I love them dearly. My other friends come over and we leave for assembly.

If you attend an annoying and boring school you would understand my struggles. My school has to be the most boring school on the planet. Me and my friends had all our classes together. We headed towards math class.

In math I saw Jacob sitting next to his ex, Snow. I felt a little jealous because last year I had liked him.

Flashback to 7th grade.

"Jacob Ilikeyou". "Huh". "I said I like you" I replied. He smiled and looked at me. I felt so happy. The following day everyone in my class knew about my crush. Everytime I saw Jacob we would smile at each other and say a couple words then go different ways. 3 weeks later Jacob tells me "Abena you are pretty but can we stay friends." I replied "It's ok but since when we were we friends." His face dropped and he walked away. The odd thing was that I didn't crave for some cookies and cream ice cream or shed some tears. I was just like my old self. How stereotypical.

Present time

We took our seats in class and I zoned out throughout the whole entire day. I usually walked the twins home and I bumped into Jacob. I heard snickering and saw the twins smirking. There was some awkward tension in the air but I walked past him.

The twins and my friends had always shipped me Jacob but after what happened last year this ship didn't get to sail.

I got home soo tired,I didn't do my hw, typical me. None of my parents were home yet so more time for me. There was a text on my phone and I didn't recognize who the user was. The message was from kik new chats. I checked and saw it was Jacob.

What has just happened.

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