Ch. 16- Lost in Danger

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Lost in Danger:

(AN: Read the authors note at the end its important about updates and suchhhh

While writing I listened to Paper Doll by John Mayer

Sorry this chapter got deleted so it isnt as good as it could be... I didnt feel like rewritting after it got deleted)

Lanie's POV

My mind was racing as I paced grandmother's living room. Thoughts flew in and out of my mind rapidly.

'I'm getting married.'

'Max is going to be my husband.'

'Why didn't my parents tell me?'

'Why wasn't I asked if I wanted to marry Max.'

'I don't want this.'

Anger boiled under my skin. This is my life not my parents. My parents have no right telling me who I would marry. I don't care if Max has money. If he can't make me happy then I shouldn't be marrying him. And guess what he doesn't make me happy! I don't have feelings for him. He may of bought me an expensive dress, but that wouldn't make me give myself to him!

Getting married was never part of my plans. Marrying someone would forever tie me to them. I don't want anyone holding me back. Plus I would never forgive myself for birthing a daughter only to give her over to that damn wolf. I don't fucking care what that dream voice said! It was just a dream my mind created to scare the shit out of me. I've always wanted to leave this damn town. Traveling is what I've always wanted. It was all planned out. I would live out alone in the woods like grandmother where nobody could find me. Then I could come and go as I pleased. If I marry Max I'm giving up my freedom to do whatever the hell I please. Marrying him would mean being stuck in this damn town.

Just look at my parents. They hardly ever see each other! I don't even think they love each other anymore. There's no kisses between them, not even a hug. My mother spends her day cooking. I will never spend my life away in a kitchen!


Grandmother's voice snapped me back to reality. Looking over at her she stood cowering in the doorway to her room. Looking down I found myself holding her favorite oil lamp. My anger has blinded me from my actions.

Looking around I found broken things scattered all around the house. Glass and clay pieces littered the floor. It looked like a tornado had hit. There was a clear path of distruction leading right to me. Vases lay shattered on the floor, flowers trampled and broken, pillow stuffings are floating around the room, and plates were thrown all throughout. I had destroyed pratically everything grandmother owned.

Horror washed over me at what I have done. I have never acted out so harshly. I have certainly never released such wrath before. Grandmother's things are all destroyed because oh me. This was surely looked down upon from any class. I can't even begin to describe how terrible this was of me. Many of these things grandmother has had from her childhood. Others from before grandfather died.

"Lanie are you ok?"

I ignore grandmother's question and look up at her. She looks terrified as she trys to hide it. I see silent tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes are red and puffy as well.

"I-I didn't..." I'm at a loss for words. There's nothing I could say to make this better.

I turn away not able to look any longer. Carefully stepping around the broken glass I back up towards the door. I keep my gaze down not able to look at anything I've done. Tears leak out of my eyes and splatter on my dress collar.

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