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"hello cupcake."

"hello welcome to- wait a second, only one person calls me cupcake. . . milo?"

"it's michael, unless someone stole my nickname for you by the name milo, because if they did, i am going to cream them."

"ha ha ha. very funny."

"isn't it?"

"ugh. anyway, do you want your scone as always?"

"did you reserve a scone for me?"

"n-no, it's just that i-i already know your order s-since you come, like, everyday."

"keep telling yourself that, cupcake."

"did I not tell you my name for a reason? use it."

"nah, cupcake sounds sweet, just like this pastry i now have in my hand."

"ugh, so cheesy."

"don't you mean creamy?"

". . . idiot."
hola cupcakes who actually bother to read this book! sorry for not updating yesterday, i had somethings to do so to make it up to you, triple update! expect updates in bit! for now, enjoy a cup of tea. (☕️) toodles!

café latte ☕️ // muke Where stories live. Discover now