Welcome mortals!

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IT IS I MERASMUS, "shut up Merasmus and give us the book" said soldier hastily, FOOLS do you know who I AM, spy in an annoyed manner "yes as you have stated over and over again, if you please just get on with it", well maybe I won't "hahahaha", but before Merasmus disappears heavy grabs him by his neck scarf and holds on "Heavy hate magic", Merasmus choking "fine, fine just, Ack, let me go".  Well as I was saying, YOU WILL NEVER GET YOUR DISGUSTING LITTLE GRUBBY NONE MAGIC HANDS ON THIS BOOK." Medic " vell, *snicker* then we'll just have to take it then", Merasmus was in an outrage "NEVER", before heavy could grab on to him again it was to late the sandwich had distracted him once again, satisfied, heavy knew it was worth it.

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