The search

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After 1 hour of searching for Merasmus heavy got bored and sung a hearty song, "doh doh doh doh we are hunting for the vizard..." While everyone was searching Demo was as usual, drunk, passed out, or both.

"Wake up sie betrunken"

"Huh, wha?" Goes back to sleep

"This is unacceptable", said medic in a frustrated manor, it had been a long search

"Want me to bap him on the head?" Said scout

but before he could, demo got up as soon as he realized he ran out of whiskey and was becoming sober.

"Well that works"

"I'm coming for you Merasmus!" Soldier said, still eager to punch a man in a dress.

"This is taking to long, even for the likes of me" "PYRO!"

Pyro was busy drawing pictures on the wall, but looked up

"S'il Vous plait, burn it all" as spy said throwing his 10th cigarette to the ground and lighting another.

Pyro was all to happy to do this and pranced around burning everything on sight.

As pyro got to the last object, a frightened voice spoke out and begged not to light him me up

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