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June 13, 2015

"Is everything alright, Dr. Green?"

After a few days of nausea, headaches & fatigue, Vivian decided to see her doctor to see if she was coming down with something. Instead, her doctor told her that she was pregnant. She dismissed the idea at first because it was ridiculous, but she scheduled an appointment with her OBGYN just to be safe.

"Well, Vivian, it seems that you are pregnant." Dr. Green spoke with confusion in her voice because she knew Vivian & Blake were divorced, but she also knew Vivian wouldn't be so careless with a stranger. "I thought you & Blake were —"

"We are, but I had a moment of weakness and relapsed. Don't judge me."

Dr. Green laughed a little and closed the folder with Vivian's information. "Don't worry, I won't."

A brief silence fell over them, mainly because Vivian was in deep thought. She, surprisingly, wasn't all that upset about being pregnant because she was ready to be a mother. She just didn't know how to handle it now that she & Blake were no longer together.

"Given my history, do you think I should just terminate the pregnancy?" Vivian asked, breaking the silence. "You know, before I get my hopes up?"

"Well, you are eight weeks along, much further than your previous pregnancies. Maybe this time will be different, but it's up to you."

She nodded and left the doctor's office, thinking about what she should do. She did know she needed to talk to Blake — no matter how much she didn't want to talk to him.


Even though she didn't want to, Vivian texted Blake and asked him to meet her at Starbucks. When she walked in, she found him sitting at a table by himself with his phone in his hand.

"What's up?" she said, lightly slapping his arm.

She sat across from him, sitting the gift she brought with her in the next seat.

"You tell me," he said, looking at the gift bag with a raised eyebrow. "You told me to meet you here, and you were twenty minutes late."

"What's the big deal? It's not like you have to be at practice or anything," she said, indirectly referring to the unfortunate end of the Clippers' season.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Why are we here? You said it was important."

"I'm pregnant."

She wasn't afraid or nervous, so she had no intentions of beating around the bush. But, of course, her being so straight forward left Blake in a state of shock.


"How did...How far along are you?" he asked, still in shock.

"Dr. Green said eight weeks."

Blake snapped out of his train of thought and looked at Vivian, who had just placed her hand over her stomach.

"That's way further than your last ones," he said, trying his best not to smile. "Are you gonna keep it?"

Vivian picked at the doughnut Blake bought her and shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. I would love to, but the father & I aren't exactly on good terms. And on top of that, I don't want history to repeat itself."

He chuckled at her comment about him, then nodded since he understood where she was coming from.

"You never know, this time might just be different. Maybe this is a sign."

He placed his hand on top of hers, and she laughed obnoxiously, pulling her hand back.

"This is not a 'sign.' If I can carry it to full term and if you choose to be in its life, you'll be the baby daddy, and I'll be the baby mama. That's it."

He scoffed playfully, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can't get rid of me that easily, Vivian. I will be there for you and that baby, so I guess you're just gonna have to get used to seeing me everyday."

She faked a smile at the thought of seeing him everyday for God knows how long. She honestly didn't think she'd have to see him until after the baby came — if the baby came.

"So what's in the bag?" Blake asked, the same playful tone in his voice.

She looked at the bag next to her, then set it on the table in front of him. "I bought you a gift."

He reached inside the bag and pulled out a Clippers onesie with a matching hat. After her doctor's appointment, Vivian went shopping and when she saw that onesie & hat, she couldn't resist buying them.

He smiled at the gift, placing the items back in the bag. "Is this the part where we kiss & makeup?"

She laughed at him and shook her head. This is the first time either of them have been able to laugh & joke with each other in a while, so they were enjoying themselves — even though Vivian would never admit it.

"Boy, please." She stood up from the table and pushed her chair in. "I gotta go, but I'll see you when I see you."

"Alright." He smirked while looking her up & down. "Bye, Vivian."

She cut her eye at him and tried not to laugh, but she gave in. "Bye, Blake."

He watched her walk out, then sat back in the chair, wondering how he could make the woman he loved his again.

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