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It had been two weeks since Vivian got the news, and she was still pregnant — putting her at ten weeks. She didn't tell anyone about it, and she tried not to think about it so much because she didn't want to jinx anything.

Since she had the day off, she decided to sleep in because she rarely got the chance. However, three very loud knocks at her door woke her up.

She threw the covers off her body and stomped to the door. She looked through the peephole and muttered a few curse words to herself as she unlocked the door.

"Why are you here?" She leaned against the door and folded her arms over her chest. "You woke me up."

Blake raised his eyebrows at her and looked down at his watch. "You do know its 12:30, right? Why were you still sleeping?"

"Because I'm enjoying my day off. Now back to my original question, why are you here?"

He laughed because he knew how irritable Vivian could be when people wake her up.

"You're two weeks closer to having my baby," he stated, walking past her and into her condo. "I wanted to see how you were doing?"

"You couldn't have just called?"

Vivian walked back to her bedroom, not caring that she left Blake behind. She just wanted to go back to sleep.

Blake watched Vivian walk to her room and licked his lips before he followed her. He lied beside her, and she looked at him like he grew a second head.

"Um, can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm bored," he answered, "get up."

She sat up and chuckled in disbelief. "Don't you have a son? Why don't you go spend time with him and let me go back to sleep."

She lied back down and pulled the covers over her head, only to have Blake yank them off.

"He's with his mom & her family today, so that gives me a chance to hang out with you," he said as he played with her hair. "I have to pick up some stuff for Sloan's party, and I want you to come with me. Come on, Evangeline."

Vivian mentally laughed hearing him call her Evangeline. After Vivian dragged Blake to see The Princess and the Frog a few years ago, he started calling her that, and she thought it was cute. He hadn't called her that in so long, and she actually missed it.

"I really don't feel like moving from this spot," she lied, "sorry."

"I'll buy you lunch," he sang with a smirk on his face.

She groaned and kicked her feet like a child. "Fine. Give me twenty minutes."

He kissed her cheek, then ran out of her room before she could hit him or throw something at him.

"Vivian, girl, what have you gotten yourself into?"

"I never would've thought in a million years that I'd see you here with Blake," Sloan said to Vivian while handing her a can of ginger ale. "Are you two talking again?"

Sloan was having a small party, and Blake insisted Vivian ride with him. The sight of them together confused some, and excited others.

"I guess you could say that. It's kinda compl—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she sprinted to the bathroom to throw up. She rinsed her mouth a few times and when she looked up in the mirror, Blake, Sloan & Natalie were standing in the doorway.

"Vivian, are you alright?" Sloan asked. "You've been nauseous since you got here, and this is your third time throwing up. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were pregnant."

She & Natalie laughed, while Vivian & Blake exchanged glances. They quickly stopped laughing when they saw the look on Vivian's face.

"You're pregnant? For real?!" Sloan semi-yelled.

"I didn't even know you were having sex," Natalie mumbled to herself. "Who's the father?"

Blake cleared his throat, and everyone turned their attention to him. Sloan & Natalie finally put two & two together and squealed in Vivian's ear.

"When did this happen?" Natalie grinned.

"Who cares about when it happened. The real question is, are you two getting back together?" Sloan asked.

Blake smirked, already knowing the answer, but everyone knew how much he loved to mess with Vivian. "Maybe."

Vivian snapped her head toward him and hit him in the chest. "No! No, we're not."

The two women frowned hearing Vivian say she & Blake would never get back together. Everyone loved them as a couple, and they all secretly wished they'd get back together.

"Well, is it a boy or a girl?" Natalie asked, changing the subject.

"I don't —"

"We," Blake interjected.

Vivian rolled her eyes. "We don't know yet, but don't say anything. I don't want anyone to know yet. At least not right now."

Sloan & Natalie nodded, and they all went back to the party like nothing happened.

"Hey." Blake stopped Vivian before she could walk in the living room. He noticed that she looked tired and weak, and it worried him because it wasn't the first time he's seen her like this. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Just a little tired, that's all."

"Alright. Let me tell Sloan we're leaving, and I'll take you home."

"Don't worry about it," she told him. "I'll just call a cab or something. You stay here and have fun."

She knew Blake would never take no for an answer, but it was worth a shot.

"I already told you you're not getting rid of me easily, Viv. Now, I'm gonna tell Sloan we're leaving; you can go ahead to the car."

He gave her his car keys, then disappeared into the living room. No matter how much she claimed his presence annoyed her, she actually appreciated how he's been handling her pregnancy so far.

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