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It was the day of Vivian's baby shower, and she was excited. She was excited to see her family & friends, but she was even more excited to reveal the baby's gender to everyone.

After spending nearly thirty-five minutes looking for something to wear, she settled for a red, oversized sweater paired with black leggings and black flats. She wanted to wear a dress, but she felt more comfortable in the sweater & leggings.

She got her phone off of the bed and went downstairs to the living room where Blake sat. He patiently waited for her so they could greet their guests together.

"Look at you," he said when his eyes landed on her. "Lookin' beautiful as ever."

She blushed. "Boy, please."

He put his arm around her shoulders, and they slowly made their way toward the backyard. "I'm serious, Viv. You know I always loved when you wore red."

Blake's lips grazed past Vivian's ear, causing goosebumps to appear all over her skin, and her ears started to burn from the excessive blushing. He hadn't made her feel that way since they were married, and she'd be a liar if she said she didn't like it.

"Anyway, let's go outside," Vivian said, tearing her eyes away from Blake's. "I'm sure everyone's wondering where we are."

She moved from under his arm and went outside with him right behind her. She walked around the backyard, greeting her family members & friends, then she went to find Sloan & Natalie to thank them for the baby shower.

"You sure are happy today," Natalie smirked.

"Because I'm happy to see everyone."

Sloan & Natalie exchanged glances before they both playfully rolled their eyes. They, along with almost everyone, could see that Vivian was happy again, and it had nothing to do with the baby. Of course she was glad she was finally getting the chance to be a mom, but this was a different kind of happy. It was more like she was in love kind of happy.

"You & Blake have been getting along well lately," Sloan mentioned.

"Well, he is the father of my baby," Vivian pointed out. "We were gonna have to learn to get along eventually."

Natalie nodded, not believing her friend. "Speaking of the baby, what are you two gonna do when he or she gets here? Are you gonna stay here with Blake?"

Vivian shook her head. "I plan on moving out after I have the baby."

For the second time, Sloan & Natalie looked at each other. When they talked to Blake, he made it very clear that he enjoyed having Vivian around and with them getting along again, he had hoped she would stay with him after the baby came.

"Does Blake know?" Sloan asked.

"No, but I'm sure he'll be happy to have his house back when I leave."

Before Sloan could say anything back, Blake approached them to get Vivian so they could reveal the baby's gender to everyone. He handed her one of the two confetti canons, and everyone just watched them in anticipation. They each said a few words and seconds later, pink confetti littered the backyard. While everyone cheered & clapped, Blake took the opportunity to hug Vivian and to his surprise, she actually hugged him back.

"Are you excited about having a little girl?" Sloan asked Blake as the two sat in the backyard. Everyone had already gone home, and she felt it was now the perfect time to talk to him.

"Very," he said, smiling unapologetically. "I can't wait until she gets here."

Sloan smiled back. "You & Vivian are so cute." She paused for a second, then glanced at Blake. "Speaking of Vivian, has she said anything to you about moving out after having the baby?"

He shook his head. "Why? Did she say something to you?"

Sloan bit the corner of her lip because she suddenly regretted saying anything to Blake. However, she felt like he deserved to know — especially since he was so happy to have Vivian around.

"She may, or may not, have told me & Natalie that she plans to move out after she has the baby," Sloan hurriedly spoke before glancing at her cousin.

"Wh...did she say why?"

"Nope. She just thinks you'll be happy when she leaves."

Without another word, Blake walked into the house, leaving Sloan by herself. Since Vivian wasn't in the living room, he went up to her room, where she was lying on the bed.

"Viv?" She looked toward the door and smiled, then motioned for him to come in. He walked into her room, and she moved over so he could lie beside her. "Did you have fun today?"

"I did. Thanks for letting us use your house for the baby shower."

He frowned a little, then propped himself up on his elbow. "Don't thank me; this is your house too."

Vivian faked a smile, wondering if now was the time to tell Blake about her plans to move out. She wanted to tell him for the past three months, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. He had been extra happy the last couple of months and she didn't want to ruin that, so she never said anything.

"Blake, I have to tell y—"

"Wait," he interjected. "I wanna show you something. Follow me."

He got up, and Vivian followed him out. He led her down the hall to the room next to Ford's and when he opened the door, she gasped.

 He led her down the hall to the room next to Ford's and when he opened the door, she gasped

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"Blake! This is beautiful!" she beamed. She stepped into the nursery and looked around the room before looking at Blake. "When did you have time to do this?"

"Well, I didn't do it myself, but a few months ago when you went to Oklahoma," he smiled. "I just wanted to wait for the right time to show you. Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding?! I love it!"

She shuffled towards Blake to give him a hug, and he kissed the top of her head. His mind was instantly flooded with good memories of the two of them and even though he didn't want to, he let her go before it got too awkward for her.

Little did he know, she didn't want him to.

"So what did you wanna tell me earlier?" Blake asked.

Vivian looked up at her ex-husband, not knowing what to say. She couldn't very well tell him she wanted to move out after he showed her the beautiful nursery.

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you...I can't wait until our little girl gets here," she smiled, making him do the same. "Now let's go downstairs; I'm hungry."

She walked out of the nursery and Blake followed, closing the door behind him. Vivian had no idea when, or if, she'd tell Blake about her wanting to move out. At this point, she wasn't sure if she even wanted to anymore.


I am so sorry for leaving y'all hanging for four months. I don't even have an excuse; I'm just slack, but I promise it won't happen again.

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