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Luke's POV

Cameron gave me his number before I left to go home to Ashton, I think we really bonded and we could be good friends if I kept up the connection with him. Ashton would no doubt be angry when I got home but I didn't care, I had a good time and I deserved that.

Hopefully I could arrange to meet Cameron again soon, he would definitely be a person I wanted in my life and he seemed like he'd definitely be a good friend, which is something I didn't currently have but that I wanted.

Arriving home, Ashton appeared to be up and waiting for me because he was stood by the doorway as soon as I entered the house. I wasn't sure how to feel about that and he was giving me very mixed signals on what he was feeling for me and I didn't like it.

"Where were you?" He asked in an angry tone, his arms folded as he stood near me.

"I was out, actually having some fun." I replied, not in the mood to deal with him right now.

"Oh really? With who?" Ashton asked and I raised an eyebrow at him before deciding I should be honest, maybe it was his turn to feel hurt.

"A boy called Cameron if you must know, I met him tonight and he was great, I like him." I answered, not feeling guilty when I saw Ashton's face drop. If he could cheat and lie to my face then I didn't care if I was hurting him, I wanted to win him back and maybe making him realise he didn't want to lose me could do that.

"You like him? Well, isn't that great?" He huffed, looking annoyed but I couldn't bring myself to feel any sympathy.

Feeling myself getting annoyed, I snapped, "What is your problem? You're never here and so I went out to have some fun and made a new friend along the way, surely it's better than 'demanding your attention' every waking second now isn't it?" Ashton's expression changed to a shocked one, normally I'd sit and take whatever he had to say but clearly, I wasn't doing that today.

"Look, I don't want to fight." Ashton tried but I shook my head.

"No, you're not backing out of this now you've realised how shit you've been lately." I was beginning to raise my voice at him, "I'm tired of just sitting and taking whatever you say and however you act with me because it's not fair and it's not fair that you're annoyed at me for doing stuff without you when you go out without me all the time."

Ashton let out a sign and tried to place his arms around me but I stepped back, "You're not getting out of this by trying to be nice to me now."

"Luke please," Ashton almost whined, "What are you mad about?"

I shot him a look of disbelief because I couldn't understand why he didn't get why I was mad at him, like it wasn't completely obvious, "I'm mad about the fact that I come home and you're angry at me for having fun when all you do is complain about how I'm clingy and annoying you, and then when I call you out on something you try and drop the conversation and be nice to me so you can fuck me and I'll forget about it."

Ashton's shoulders dropped as he released another sigh, "Look, I'm sorry I make you feel like crap and I'm sorry I'm so angry all the time," He looked at me with more pleading eyes, "I just have a lot on at the moment and I don't know how to handle it and so I took it out on you, I'm sorry."

My anger was turning more to sadness because even in a fight he was still lying to me, "Are you though? You say this every time I call you out and then every morning I wake up and you're not there and we go in the same cycle of me trying to find you and you calling me clingy and getting angry only for us to make up again. Why can't you just be honest with me?" I asked, tears were starting to well up in my eyes because I was angry and frustrated because I still didn't know why he was doing this to me.

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