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Luke's POV

The morning came around faster than I would have liked, it was now time to confront Ellie and I really didn't feel ready for it. I was worried about her reaction, I didn't know how deeply she felt for Ashton and whether she'd still want to be with him, whether she'd cry, or whether she'd take all of this in her stride. I understood to some extent that she'd be hurt, based off her texts, and that feeling on knowing someone you think you're with is cheating is not something I wish upon anyone.

Cameron seemed ready to talk to her, I think he just wanted me to actually fix the situation and I understood that and to some extent, it was motivating because I at least had support.

Ashton had called me multiple times during the night and left me texts, he didn't understand where I went but I kind of didn't care given he was cheating on me and he'd used me to make his 'girlfriend' jealous yesterday. He could wait until later to found out what I'd done, I didn't care anymore, Ashton needed to realise he messed up and he'd lost me.

"Luke, do you want to go now?" Cameron's voice broke me from my thoughts as I turned my head to look up at him from my position on the couch.

"Probably should get this out of the way with." I commented and Cameron shot me a reassuring smile before holding out his hand for me to take, which I did somewhat hesitantly.

"Come on, I'll drive you to the restaurant." He said and I nodded before allowing him to lead down to his car, "Are you feeling okay?" He then asked.

I shot him a small smile as we got into the car, "I'm just a bit worried about her reaction." Was my response and Cameron looked over at me before taking my hand once again.

"It's gonna be fine, you know what you're doing and you know what you have to do regardless of her reaction." Cameron said and I nodded before looking out of the windshield.

"Thank you, I'd feel horrible if I had to do this alone."

"It'll be fine, you can do this." Cameron smiled before turning to start the car and begin driving us to the restaurant, my nerves only got worse as we got closer and I just wished they'd go away. I knew I was doing the right thing by telling her, and I had to remember that.

Cameron and I remained silent as he drove the the restaurant, he understood that I was just trying to collect myself before going ahead with it. To some extent, it made sense for me to be so nervous but then I hadn't been the one cheating so why was I nervous? All the hurt and blame was on Ashton, Ellie and I were just victims in the sick little game he was playing.

Arriving at the place, I turned to Cameron to see him smiling at me, "You ready?" He asked and I nodded before slipping out of the car, the blue haired male following quickly behind me.

Walking into the restaurant, I scanned around for Ellie and when I spotted her, I didn't waste any time in going over. If I waited then I'd probably talk myself out of it and this needed to be done, I just had to do this.

Cameron was following behind me but hung back a little bit when I reached Ellie, her attention immediately drew to me as I neared, and I saw her expression sadden slightly.

"It's you from yesterday, with Ashton?" She asked before I could even say anything.

Nodding, I said, "That's what I'm here to talk to you about."

Ellie then nodded nodded before looking down at the small notepad in her hands, "I'll go take my break, go sit on the table in the corner." She instructed before leaving to go into the back, I motioned for Cameron to follow me as I moved to go to the table that she wanted us to wait at.

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