Chapter 4

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About 5 or 10 minutes later we were on our way to Universal Studios. I was smiling like crazy just being with Kiara.

~an hour or so later~

We got to our hotel and Kiara's mom was talking to the lady at the the desk.

Kiara's mom: 2 rooms please.

I stood there in shock for a moment. What did her mom just say, 2? Why 2? I looked at Kiara for a minute then her mom came to us and handed us a key.

Kiara's mom: One room for you guys and one room for Me and you're dad kiara.

Oh boy. Kiara gave the happiest smile I think she's ever given. I knew exactly what that meant. I somehow knew Kiara was planning something just now. Kiara thanked her mom and we went to our room to put our stuff up.

We were all kind of tired so Kiara and I ordered some ice cream from room service. Then took a little nap. I woke up with her still asleep. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to change my clothes real quick. I come out and Kiara's sitting up on the bed.

Kiara: Hey baby.

Britt: Hey.

She stands up the pushes me against the wall and we start to kiss. She starts kissing me down my neck and reaches my sweet spot. She whispers in my ear.

Kiara: Can we? Plz?

I look at her and smile. We walk over to the bed and I lay down and she gets on top of me. She starts grinding on me.

Britt: wait a sec.

I sit up and take off my shirt and she takes hers off too. We kiss again and she takes my bra off of me and starts groping my breast. I could feel my heart starting to race. I kissed her again and she started to take my pants off. She went down and started. It went on for about 5 hours then we passed out next to eachother. It was the best nights of my life. I love Kiara and I want to be with her forever. I will never leave her side.

The next morning I woke up before Kiara did. I decide to go downstairs and get us some breakfast. I wrote a note to Kiara in case she woke up while I was gone.

Dear Kiara,
You looked to peaceful for me to wake you up so I went downstairs to get us some breakfast.

I went back to our room. And Kiara was up about to turn on Sherlock.

Britt: Good timing huh? I brought us some breakfast.

Kiara: Yea really good timing. C'mon I'm turning on sherlock.

Kiara and I sat there eating and watching sherlock. Kiara's phone went off.

Kiara: We have to go meet our mom. We're going to go on some rides.

Britt: Ok.

We walked out of our room and met her mom outside. We headed to the the amusement park. The first ride we went on was the mummy. It was so fast and such a rush. We went on a few more rides then got some lunch. I had a ton of fun with Kiara that day.

A few days later we headed back home. It was the first time I had been to Universal in a long long time. The last time I went my family was actually a happy one. No one was fighting with eachother, but that was about 10 years ago. I was only 6 when my parents first started fighting. It was usually about money or trying to support me.

The next day at school Kiara and I were walking in the hallway and Aaron sees us and stops us. Something was wrong though. This wasn't the Aaron I met a few weeks ago. I could smell his breath. He was drunk. He got closer and tried to kiss Kiara. She pushes him away then grabs my hand and we walk away. We go into the girl's bathroom and she does something really funny. She tries scrubbing her face to get his kiss off.

Britt: He didn't even kiss u before you pushed him away. I mean that's a extremely good thing but why are you scrubbing your face like that?

Kiara: Because It feels like he did kiss me.

Britt: Oh ok.

She's such a dork. I grab her shoulder turn her and kiss her to calm her down. She calmed down after a little bit and felt better. Aaron's a jerk and tried to kiss my girl under influence of alchohol or not I'm going to get him for that. We walked back out and speak of the devil Aaron was there. I kissed Kiara and told her I need to have a little talk with Aaron for a minute.

Kiara: Ok see you later babe.

I go up behind Aaron and smack him upside the head.


Britt: Oh I don't know you trying to kiss my girlfriend.

Aaron: Yea but look I was still a little drunk. I'm sorry. Please don't hit me again.

Britt: I'm not going to forgive you right away. I'm going to keep my eyes on you to make sure you don't do that again. You don't want to mess with me and my relationship.

Aaron: Ha and what are you going to do if I do mess with it.


Aaron: Ok we'll see

Hey guys. Yes I know its short but I have a good reason for stopping where I'm stopping. The next chapter will probably come after school. At the rate I'm going I'm doing a chapter a day but today I'll try to get 2 chapters in one day. I hope y'all like it. Don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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