Chapter 5

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That afternoon Aaron sat near me and Kiara at lunch. Kiara looked a little irritated.

Kiara: What do you want Aaron?

Aaron: I want to be friends with you again. And make friends with you Britt.

Britt: I don't know Aaron. You kind of didn't exactly make a good first impression on me.

Aaron: I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Kiara: Alright. I'll be friends with you again. On one condition. You don't try anything stupid. Otherwise I will hurt you.

I liked Kiara's reasoning on that. Haha. I looked at her and she winked. We finished our lunch and went to our last period for the day. Aaron had that class with me, Chemistry. Half way through Chemistry we were working on a worksheet that I couldn't really understand. The bell rang maybe 5 or 10 minutes later but before I even went anywhere Aaron gave me his number.

Britt: What's this for?

Aaron: In case you need help on the worksheet.

Britt: Ok thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Aaron's up to something, I don't know what it is yet but there's definitely something going on here. I met up with Kiara and we walked to her house. My phone rings on the way.

Britt: Hello?

Drake: Hey I just found out my parents are going to be out of town for a while longer so I was thinking of throwing a party tonight. If you want to invite Kiara over.

Britt: Sure we just need to finish up some homework then we'll head over.

Drake: Cool. See you in a bit.

Britt: See ya.

I hang up the phone. Kiara's next to me and lays her head on my shoulder.

Kiara: Who was that?

Britt: Oh it was Drake. He's throwing a party tonight and wants us to come. Of course I'll be there since I'm staying with him but I want you to come too.

I look down and my homework is mostly finished. I put in my bookbag.

Kiara: What are you doing?

Britt: I can finish later. It due on Monday so I have the whole weekend to finish it.

I look at Kiara and kiss her. I lay down and she lays down with her head on my chest. She started getting fully on top of me and kisses me. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and we started making out. Of course my phone rings. I ignore it and it rings again, and again, and again. Finally I pick it up.

Britt: Hello?

Aaron: Hey what's up?

Britt: Uh hanging out with Kiara. How did you get my number? I know you gave me yours but I never gave you mine.

Aaron: Oh Drake gave it to me.

I'm going to get him for that.

Britt: Ok, So what's so important that you had to call my phone multiple times.

Aaron: Oh did you understand the homework?

Britt: Seriously? You called multiple times for that. Yes I figured it out.

Aaron: Ok just wanted to make sure. Bye.

He hangs up before I could say anything else. Somethings wrong, Kiara left the room and came back a minute later with some Dr. Pepper for us.

Britt: *gasp* How did you know? Haha. I love Dr. Pepper.

Kiara: Ha so do I?

Britt: We should start getting ready for the party.

Kiara: Alright. I have something for you actually. And this party you can show it off.

Britt: Ok.

She opens her closet and picks up a box and hands it to me. I open it up and I find a gorgeous outfit. A black shirt with dark purple long sleeves and black skinny jeans and new leather boots. I absolutely loved it. I was sitting on the bed and she was standing up so I kissed her and pulled her down on top of me.

Kiara: Hahaha c'mon Britt we have to get ready now if we want to get to the party on time.

Britt: Ugh fine. I guess we'll go on time. Haha just kidding.

Kiara and I change into our outfits for the party and head to Drake's house. We walked in and I guarantee you that the whole school was there. We walked in and I swear everyone stopped what they were doing and just froze as they saw us come in. I wasn't 100% sure what to do but I figured I'd do something to get them to stop being frozen. I started wobbling as I walked and I think Kiara got the jist of what I was doing and joined in.


Everyone bursted into laughter. Kiara and I couldn't even keep the act up and started laughing too. Kiara and I were dancing and just having a blast. I went to go get us some sodas. I came back and saw Aaron pinning Kiara against a wall and kissing her. I dropped the sodas and pushed him away from her. I was about to punch him out but then Drake came up.

Drake: Hey hey hey what's going on here?

Britt: Him trying to kiss Kiara!

Drake: Dude is that true?

Aaron: Yes... its true.

Drake: What the hell dude. That's Britt's girlfriend and you know that. Back off. You can get out of my house that's for sure.

Aaron: Fine. Choose new girl over someone whose been your best friend since elementary school!

Aaron leaves and slams the door on his way out.

Britt: Thanks Drake.

Kiara: Yea thanks.

Britt: And sorry for dropping the drinks like that. I'll clean it up.

Drake: Don't worry about it.

I give him a hug and start dancing with Kiara again. Everyone was having a blast. Music was loud, people were dancing, and laughing. Next thing I know everything's black. I wake up at Kiara's house.

Britt: How did I get here?

Kiara: You fell asleep so Drake helped me get you into my car and I drove you here then I carried you in here.

Britt: I don't even remember falling asleep.

Kiara: You got drunk that's why everything seems like a blur. You were running around the house with a jar of syrup and screaming 'I GOT A JAR!!!! HAHAHAHA AND YOU CANT HAVE IT!'

Britt: Really? I did that? That's..... embarrassing

Kiara: You did it luckily for you when everyone left.

Britt: Haha yeah that's a good thing then.

Kiara kissed me and I checked the time. It was only 8:40. I layed back down and Kiara layed next to me and we fell asleep.

Hey guys. I hope y'all are liking this story. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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