Chapter 7

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Well I'm single once again. The break up sucked but I'll be ok. I have my friends to support me and I kind of have a guy in mind. He's tall really cute, and he has a job, car, and he's building a house. I can't believe Kiara would cheat on me. I wasn't to happy but i'm not as upset about it as I thought I was. I'm really glad Drake's here for me though and the rest of my friends. i kind of like Drake but there is one other kid I like more. I found out his name is Brandon the other day. I told Drake about him too and apparently drake knows him.

Drake: Oh yeah i know him, he's a good guy. You should ask him out.

Britt: Really? I mean I like him and I've heard a lot about him, but I've never actually talked to him.

Drake: Go for it.

Britt: What should I say to him though?

Drake: Ok pretend I'm Brandon, just go up to him like you would to me.

I walked over to Drake, he's such a dork.

Drake*Trying to talk in Brandon's voice*: Hey Britt.

Britt*Trying not to laugh*: Hi , How are you?

Drake: I'm good, I want to tell you, I think you're really cute.

Britt: Aw thank you.

Drake: You're welcome, we should go out sometime.

Britt: Ok. Next Friday? I would say this Friday but I just broke up with me girlfriend.

Drake: Ok i understand...... See was that so hard.

I just giggled, and said no. Ok I'm ready, I am however going to wait a little while though since I just broke up with Kiara. I'm not dealing with a backstabber. i have Netflix, a laptop Drake gave me, food, And my friends by my side. I'm ok going through this break up, because i know i'm not going through it alone. The next day at school there was two new kids in my Geometry class their names were Tayea and Lala. They were both really pretty, and smart. We had to do group work so I invited them to be in my group with Drake. That afternoon I rode the bus home and apparently a girl on my bus just went through a break up too, her boyfriend cheated on her. Then I mentioned that Kiara and I broke up and she asked me the funniest thing I think I've ever heard.

Girl: You wanna be my pretend girlfriend to mess with him?

Britt: HAHAHAHA sure, I will gladly do that.

I've talked to this girl before and she seems nice, and I definitely don't deal with cheaters so I will gladly help her out with messing with her ex. I went to the library and she helps at the desk in there and when the bell rang to get to class she came up to me,

Girl: C'mon girlfriend lets go.

Britt: Hahahaha ok.

I couldn't help but laugh, I walked with her until i had to turn around and go to class so I wouldn't be late.

Ok It's not the end of the chapter i just had to say real quick that the girl asking for her to be her pretend gf actually happened to me. It's to funny for me to make up.
This was hilarious, I have no problem helping out someone who got cheated on. Besides it's just to funny not to do it. I don't even really know this girl all that well but I have a good heart, so gladly I'm there. All day today each time she saw me she was like "hey girlfriend." i couldn't help but laugh each time she said it. It was just to perfect, I have honestly dreamt of a scenario just like this one. Only difference is I thought I'd be helping one of my friends do it and not someone i talk to every now and then.

When I got to Drake's house he wasn't home so I just got a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and got some snacks and watched family guy on Netflix. I've been binge watching it a lot lately but it makes me laugh a lot. I had watched Family guy for a few hours before Drake came wobbling in, he was drunk.

Drake: Heyyyyy B..Britt. *Hiccups and falls face first on the ground*

I manage somehow to pick him up and lay him on the couch. I moved to the Chair on the other side of the living room then continued to watch family guy. He woke up a little while later with a major hangover headache. He kind of wobbled as he was getting up. It was slightly funny seeing him struggle to get up. He sat up.

Britt: Stay there I'll get you some medicine.

He sat back down and I went into the kitchen to get him some medicine. I came back out and gave him his medicine and sat back on the chair and watched more TV. Drake passed out again for about an hour or so then woke up feeling better, he checked his phone then left, I wonder what that was all about. Then my phone went off, I got a call from an unknown number and answered it.

Britt: Hello? Who's this?

Xx: Hey it's Brandon, Drake gave me your number. I hope you don't mind.

Britt: Oh haha no no I don't mind at all.

Brandon: I was uh actually wondering if you would like to uh hang out sometime.

Britt: Yes. Sure I would love to hang out with you sometime, How does next Friday after school sound?

Brandon: That's perfect, I have tickets for a movie that night.

Britt: Ok, see you then.

I hung up the phone and just couldn't stop smiling after that. I have a date coming up. I couldn't wait until school tomorrow. I must have fallen asleep because next thin i know I'm waking up in the chair at 6:00 in the morning.

Hey guys so I hope y'all like this story, if so i'm really glad. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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