Chapter 10

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  The next day at school, a girl came up to me right after I got on the bus and punched me. I don't deal with people who hit me so I punched her right in the face. If anyone hits me I'll hit back no matter what the punishment is. Then two guys came and tried to pin me by holding my legs and feet. I started kicking as hard as I could and managed to kick the guy that was holding my feet. He dropped me feet and I kicked the other guy in the shin bone and took off running into the school. What the hell was that all about? I met Lala inside and my friend Reese Inside.

Britt: I just got jumped when I off my bus.

Reese and Lala: What? By who?

Britt: I don't even know who they are but it was a girl and two guys.

Reese: I wonder what that was about. You won though right?

Britt: Haha yeah I think I did, I managed to get away at least.

  The bell rang and we all started walking to class then I saw Kiara talking to the girl and the two guys I just got jumped by. I got a little bit closer so I could hear them.

Kiara: What do you mean she got away?

Girl: I mean she kicked our asses and got away. The girl's tough.

Kiara: How did she manage to beat all three of y'all?

Girl: Like I said, the girl's tough. What did she do to you that made you want to hurt her so bad?

Kiara: She left me for no reason.

  That's when I stepped in.

Britt: Sorry for barging in on a conversation but last time I checked, You cheated on me which is why I left you. Your a cheater and a player.

Kiara: Well Aaron left me too.

Britt: Good! It's what you deserve. And don't go trying to make people feel sorry for you and get them to try to hurt me. You were the one who cheated, not me.

Girl: I'm sorry Britt, if I would have known the truth I wouldn't have done that.

Britt: It's alright, you kind of already got your punishment for it huh?

Girl: Yea I did. My name's Laura by the way.

Britt: Well nice to meet you Laura. Let's go.

  Laura and I walked away from Kiara and went to our classes. I didn't realize how many people saw the argument until later. There were so many people coming up to me and telling me good job for sticking up for myself. There were people kind of shunning Kiara. It's what she deserves.

Laura: Hey you wanna come to the mall with me after school?

Britt: Sure. It's been a long while since I've been to the mall.

Laura: Ok, see you later.

  After school I met Laura by her car. It was a nice car, a mustang I think it was.

Laura: Hey, you ready to go?

Britt: Yea. Let's go.

  On the way to the mall I was thinking to my self. 'I need to get a part time job, Maybe they'll be hiring at the mall.' We got inside the mall and right away I saw a now hiring sign at hot topic. Just my luck, they're hiring at my favorite store. I go in and get an application and fill it out. I turn it in to the manager.

Manager: Thank you, we'll give a call soon.

Britt: Ok thank you.

  Laura and I decided to get some lunch at the food court. We headed over and I saw Tayea and Lala there too. 

Britt: Hey guys, What are y'all doin here?

Tayea: We just thought it was a good day to come to the mall. Haha I thought you went home, I was going to have you come with us but I couldn't find you at all.

Britt: Oh I came here with my new friend Laura.

Tayea: Oh ok. cool.

Britt: We were just about to get some lunch then i'm getting a hat made for me.

Tayea: Ok, well I'll see you later.

  Laura and I got some food, then we went to go get a custom hat made for me. We stepped outside while we were waiting for my hat to be done and a guy in a cloak came up to us.

Guy: Hey girls, you wanna buy some drugs?

Britt: What kind?

Guy: Oh like weed, pot, cocaine, marijuana.

Britt: Sure, I need to get some more drugs actually.

  I gave the guy some money and he gave me a little bit of each. Laura just looked at me.

Laura: I didn't know you did drugs.

Britt: Yea. I have ever since the beginning of the year.

Laura: Oh ok. You mind if I try?

Britt: No, go ahead.

  I wrapped up some of the marijuana and took a drag, the Laura took a drag. I could tell she had never done it before because she started to majorly cough. A little while later at home she got high, I took her phone so she wouldn't try and text anyone anything. She was really weird when she's high. She kept saying " I love you Britt." And she yelled a lot and was just to weird. Now I know not to get her like this, Next thing I knew she passed out on couch.

The next day when she woke up she had a major hangover. So did I and I started drinking long after she passed out, I must have drank more than i thought. I grabbed my phone and looked through my messages. Oh no.

Britt: HI DRAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drake: Hey whats up?

Britt: I like you a lot, like a lot a lot.

Drake: I like you too Britt.

Britt: Come over and have a drink with me

Drake: I can't i have to work.

Britt: AW ok. 

Drake: See ya later.

Britt: just cmn vwer

Drake: put the phone away Britt. You're drunk

Britt: bt i cn see hwts 

 I must have passed out after that message because I didn't send any other jumbled words. I called Drake...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys, I'm really kind of running out of ideas for this story, I'm not 100% sure how its going to turn out. Don't forget to vote and comment.<3Lillymaxwell2000 

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