Aaliyah Smith

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“Don’t get mad OK?” Darlene gripped my hands tightly and closed her eyes.

“OK?” I was curious to know what she wanted to tell me that couldn’t be talked about on the phone. It was 1:32 AM. When Darlene told me she was outside my house with a secret that was burning inside of her.

“You promise?”

“Yes I promise, just tell me.”

“I hooked up with Mason.” She quickly said and peeked out of one eye.

I looked at her.

“And you’re proud of that? Are you fucking kidding me Darlene?”

“Chill out Aaliyah, It was only one time.”

“One time?” I scoffed,

“You said you won’t get mad.”

“Of course I get mad when you say shit like that, so all the other times behind the bus was one time too right?”

“Wait how do you-”

“Darlene, you swear people don’t see you back there its gross, and disgusting. I don’t even know why you’re telling me this.”

“You’re my best friend.” She whispered.

I got up from my bed. “We, aren’t friends. I don’t know who you are any more and I think you should leave.”

“Aaliyah! Are you serious?”

“Dead ass.”

“I thought out of all of those girls, you would be the most understanding.” She said silently.

“Well you thought wrong, now leave.”

“That’s the last time we spoke.” I told Detective Chambers. “I didn’t see her after that.”

She nodded.

“Did Darlene have a boyfriend? Or a particular- em- partner?”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Isn’t it obvious? She had many.”

“Ok, can you say that Darlene and Ivy were good friends?”

“Oh sure, Darlene was like Ivy’s bitch- excuse me her dog, well she would follow her around like a dog but I could tell Nevaeh was starting to get a little jealous.

“Right Ivy?” Darlene laughed, “Oh you guys should have been there.”

“Really? We should have?” Nevaeh asked sarcastically.

“ Chill Nevaeh,” Ivy said.

“Sorry, let me do that again,” She turned to Darlene. “Like Darlene, can you do me a huge favor? Like big big big favor, Shut the fuck up.”  

Chanel snickered.


“Why are you such a bitch all the time?” Darlene asked her.

“Why are you such a hoe?” Nevaeh fired back.

Darlene kept quiet.

“That’s what I thought.”

I’m going to get a drink.” Heaven says getting up from the table.

“I’ll go with you.” Ivy volunteered.

“Listen stupid bitch,” Darlene looked at Nevaeh. “Ivy doesn’t even like you so I don’t even know why you’re trying. You look- pathetic.”

“Please you would know a thing or two about pathetic sweetie, I mean look at yourself. You’re trying to make everyone think that your some type of real ass bitch, but you a puck,boo.”

Darlene reached across the table at Nevaeh but Chanel slapped her hand away.

“You wouldn’t want to do that.” Chanel smirked at her.

“What was that?” Ivy asked as she and Heaven sat back at the table.

“A lame excuse for a hi-five?”

She looked a Heaven and laughed.

“You bitches are something else.” She said before she sipped her Arizona.

“Ok, Ms. Smith, that’s all for now.”

“Ok, Thanks.” I exited the room to meet Ivy outside the police station.

“How was it?” She asked me coolly when I got in her car.

“It was straight.”

She drove back to school without saying a word,until she parking in her usual parking space.

“You don’t think she’s- dead do you?” She asked me with her hands gripping the wheel.

“What? Of course not Ivy, It was just a misunderstanding.” I told her and I put my hand on her shoulder.

“Let’s hope so.” She said before exiting the car.

The rest of the girls were waiting for us by the entrance of the school.

“Are you alright?” Chanel came up to me and gave me a hug.

“I’m fine; did they call you in yet?”

She shook her head.

“This is fucking crazy, She’s fucking with our heads.” Nevaeh stated.

“We need to know that for sure-” Ivy started but she couldn’t finish. “That worthless bitch.” She raged into the school.

“Well look who it is.” Ivy said keeping her cool.

“Ivy, what are you talking about?” She asked her.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Ivy looked her dead in the eye, even I was scared.

“I’m so glad whomever didn’t kill you because-” She shook her head and smirked at Darlene.

“Count your blessing.” She threw Darlene’s belongings on the floor and walked pass her.

The rest of the girls, including me followed, but I couldn’t help but feel a chill down my spine when I locked eyes with Darlene.

“Aaliyah,” She whispered.

“Don’t,” I replied as I walked pass her.

My next class I had with Heaven, but as much as she didn’t like talking about the situation at hand, she had a lot to say about it know.

“ I think Nevaeh was right, I think she’s trying to mess with us.”

“Either that or our man.” I mumbled.

“What?” She looked at me.

“What?” I looked at her blankly.

“What did you just say?”

“I said, either that or our man.”

“Who?” Other voice came into the conversation, it was Jessica Harris. “Darlene?”

“What do you know?” Heaven asked her.

“She stole my boyfriend,” She shrugged. “But you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.”

“Right.” Heaven laughed. “She’s building a hater base really fast.”

“A what?” I asked her.

“You know what I mean, I just want to see it blow up in her face.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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