Poison Ivy.

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Ivy Lawrence.

“I didn’t kill her if that’s what you’re asking.”

 I, Ivy Lawrence answer to the investigators. The cop did not change her expression, even when another cop come in the room.

“Hi,” She said. “I’m Detective Chambers, so you know about the situation with Darlene right?” She looked from me to the bigger cop.

“Yeah I guess.” I rolled my eyes internal. Isn’t that what I’m here for?

“Alright then, so just tell me what you know

I closed my eyes.

“It was sophomore year when we met Darlene-”  

“Who’s we?” The bigger cop asked.

“Maybe if I finished you’ll know.”

I looked directly into the camera. “As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted. She came into school with her fresh Jordan’s and a red cardigan.” I laughed back at the memory, but lunch time you saw her walking out of class with her pencil in one of the things- whatever you call it on her shoe. By the time school was over everyone had done the same. I’ve never seen anyone make a fashion statement as fast as me, so I had to have her.”

“You had to have her as in?”

“I mean I knew I had to have her in my crew.”

The bigger cop scribbled down something.

 “So Miss. Lawrence, Ivy that’s correct?”

“Yes that’s correct.”

“You’re a leader yes? Not a follower?”

“Of course, I have leader written all over me.” I smirked.

“What about Darlene? Was she a follower?”

“I couldn’t even describe what Darlene was.”

“Try your best.” Detective Chambers said.

“Well then. Darlene was wild that is the best way I can describe it.”


“Her. You know what I mean.”

“It.” She repeated. She looked Detective Chambers.

“Do you know what happened to Darlene, Ivy?”

“No idea.” I replied with a bored look on my face.

 “Is that all?”

“Actually no, tell me what happened the week before Darlene disappeared. How she was acting.”

“She was happy actually, well for some time she was.”

“Hey guys!” Darlene says tossing her lunch on the table.

“Well someone’s really happy.” I say looking over at Nevaeh Murphy.

 Nevaeh smirked. “Almost like your glowing.”

“Something like that.” She smiled picking at her food.


“It’s just this guy.” She hesitated looking up at me.

“That you had sex with.” Aaliyah Smith finished for her. Aaliyah kept a straight face while looking at Darlene.

“Shut up Aaliyah.” Darlene hissed at her.

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