Chapter 1

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Sigh. Today was a tiring day. First day back at college and this is what happens? I thought everything would be's a fresh start, a new beginning, a new year. It's okay Maya you can do this, tomorrow is a new day, wipe those stupid tears off your face. Great, now my mascara is running and I... 

"Maya, come downstairs a second" Great, perfect time mum...just call me when i'm crying. As I wipe my tears and shake my head, I form a smile as I come running down the stairs.

"Hey Mum! What's up?"

"Maya can you do me a favour..."

I zone out. I can't help it! Mum talks a LOT, and I mean a LOT. I guess I got that from her. 

I've always been pretty chatty when it comes to other people -- Does that mean I like socialising? Nope. I hate people. Wait am I allowed to say that? Probably not. They just anger me so much with their stupid ways and nobody ever understands me. It's hard, putting on a smile all the time. I'm not the only one, no one know anyones' story, regardless of how close you are too someone. We all have our own issues and we have to put on an act to help each other and just get on with life.

"Is that clear Maya?"... I nod, I have no clue what I am clear about but okay Mum. As I went running back upstairs, the phone rings. Oh why does everyone want to talk to me today! I'm really not in the mood. 

"Hey Kat, what's up?"

"Not much, how you feeling now? Any better"

"Look, do you think I overreacted?"

"No Maya! You have every right to be upset, you don't do that to someone, especially not to a friend, she's stupid seriously forget her"

"I know but, maybe...maybe I'm overthinking this, it doesn't mean anything right? Like, I don't even like him anymore so they can do what they want?" 

"Maya, stop blaming yourself, you shouldn't do that, look tomorrow just forget everything and don't even thinking about what happened today! You'll feel better soon, take care now and smile, stop crying,okay!"

"Haha, Thanks Kat, see you tomorrow, bye!"


Wow, my best friend knows me well. Was she right? Was it okay for me to overreact. I mean, I'm not his girlfriend, and he's never even realised that I liked him. So why does it hurt me this bad? 

Kat was right about one thing. Tomorrow is a new day. Another beginning, another start. Let's make it a good one.


AN: Hey guys, this is my first story, hope you like it! It's always hard to write a story when you have ideas and you just don't know how to start it! Enjoy.

- HW

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