Chapter 2

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A new beginning right? I sat on the train on my way to college. It was a cold morning in January. One of those days where the sun is shining and the sky is a clear blue. Yet, its FREEZING cold. Typical British weather, I thought. I don't know what to do, how will I face Sophia after what she did? Okay, maybe I am overreacting again. She didn't do anything. Except flirt like crazy with the guy I totally liked. Liked. 

"So today class I hope you have prepared your work because last week none of you did and you're not just wasting my time, you're wasting your own..." Old pimple face and her lectures never seem to stop. I look over at Kat who's already dozing off. Lets slyly snapchat her before she wakes...oh too late. Damn it Kat, she has too many slips of me falling asleep all over her Snapchat story and I will get revenge! Ha-ha

Today seemed to be going okay, except for the pile of work we had to do for tomorrow, just great. I am an awkward 18-year old girl with no social life. I guess it's kind of a good excuse. I'm one of those people who gets invited out somewhere and makes silly excuses and homework, that's a great one! Even if I just sit there watching Netflix with the homework document opened on my laptop. Untouched.

"Maya, look...Sophia's coming this way"

"Hey guys! Aww you lot look nice today"

We look at each other, and laugh. We went for the scruffy look today. 

Sophia was a nice girl, she was very pretty and got complimented a lot from many guys; it got to her head a bit when she got attention, she's suddenly forget who her 'friends' were and act stupidly dumb in front of the guy. It was classy. Don't get me wrong, I don't HATE the girl, I just don't exactly like her either. Yes, I know, why do I hang around with her? Come on, we all have that one person in our friendship group who we secretly dislike. I couldn't help it, we had little issues in the past and well, let's just say they still annoy me till today. Especially after recent events I just didn't have any respect for Sophia anymore.

"Hey Maya, did you catch the game yesterday!" 

"Hey Ryan, no I went to bed early, was tired, first day back and all!"

"Aww it was great Arsenal scored 3-1 against Chelsea, BRILLIANT"

"Yeah well we are amazing!"

Sophia and Kat looked at each other and rolled their eyes. I was into football, I loved it ever since I was a little girl. Ryan carried on talking about the game with such passion, he was smiling away the whole time with widened eyes. Ryan was great. He was my best friend. I had met him within the first month of college like Kat and Sophia and we instantly clicked. Cliche right, girl likes best boy friend, best boy friend doesn't like girl and sees her as one of the boys. Yeah well , I didn't write the story. He only recently started hanging around our group more and more, probably because of Sophia...No don't think that Maya.

"But Ozil's goal OMG"

"Yeah must have been great" I smiled. I completely forgot about yesterday's events and how Sophia was all over him, touching his arms and feeling his muscles and giggling. Disgusting, how can you do that to your friend! Well...She still see's me as a friend so...I'm still right! She knew how I've always had a thing for him. Regardless of whether I stopped or not its part of the Girl Code. Girl Code? Do girls have codes like the Bro Code? Well, they must right. There must be a reason. Maybe it was revenge because of...Oops, I zoned out again, everyone's looking...Did someone ask something?

"Oh look ,time for lesson guys!"


Another tiring day. It was better than yesterday I guess. No touchy-touchy Sophia all over my Ryan. Ryan. 

Ryan was something else, he was laid back and confident. He was overly good-looking and surprisingly best friends with me.   My problem was that I was confident in speaking to others and doing things, but no confidence with myself. I thought I was ugly, fat and stupid. I always wondered why people would want to be friends with me, let alone talk to me. Ryan made me forget everything, he made me smile, and his smile was...something else. He smiles at you and you smile. You feel like its just you two in the room. Ryan.



Hey hope you enjoyed this one too. So is this story based on true events? Possibly... And maybe the ending is a good one, or is it a sad one...?

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Q: Does anyone else have a 'Ryan' in their life?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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