4. Puns

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Chapter 4: Puns

Barbara Palvin as Kim. Picture, up top or to your right :)

Waking up for school is like cleaning Burger's poop. Something I hate doing. I mean seriously, sometimes I wish we could have night schools. How cool would that be? Hmm...

Yesterday was not as fun as I had expected it to be.
First, meeting that attitude freak and second, Kyle got me to play "Never Have I Ever".
Obviously, we didn't drink alcohol, instead, we drank milk. I had done everything that Kyle hadn't. So, I was the one who finished the milk and lost. He didn't drink the milk even when I said, "Never have I ever kissed a girl."

My brother really is a loner.

But after he had got me to finish the "one week old" milk, we ordered Chinese. That was the only part of the day that I enjoyed.

"Kimmy, come on! Hurry! We're getting late," he kept banging on my door.

I quickly opened the door and smirked saying,"At least there's something you can bang."

"Ugh. You and your puns," he rolled his eyes.

I laughed. "Let me get my bag."

Kyle and I decided to go to school together. Walking, of course because I wasn't allowed to ride my scooter when mum wasn't at home.
'Scooter', I know.. How boring.
I had prayed for a Harley Davidson on my 16th birthday but instead I got a lame ass scooter.

Not my fault..

When we reached school, we couldn't see anybody around.
"Hey Kyle? What day is it, today?"

"It isn't Sunday. We're just very late!" And then, he began to whine about how he was going to get detention just because of me.

"At least, "Never have I ever been to detention" will get crossed off from your list," I smirked and he gave me a death glare before running off to his class.

First period. Biology.

I was already late for it and Ms. Bright, my biology teacher, as you all know, wasn't my biggest fan.
I knocked on the door and her head quickly snapped in my direction.

"Ms. Winchester! Lovely to see you again." She faked a smile.

"You too, Ms. Bright."

"Our two days of peace have come to an end." She gestured for me to take a seat.

I just laughed at her comment and sat down in my usual place.

I opened my eyes when I heard the bell ring. Finally, a torturous Biology class had come to an end. I was walking out of the class when Ms. Bright stopped me.

"Ms. Winchester, I wanted to suggest something to you," she took off her spectacles.

"Um.. Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You should join those activity classes."

"What? Erm.. I mean, I cant. I'm already in the soccer team and isn't that an activity?"

No way in hell was I going to join those boring-lame activity classes.

"That's different. These classes will help you a lot."

"But Ms. Bright, I don't have a lot of time to attend these classes. " I said referring to my soccer training.

"Okay then. I will assign you into one activity class. It wont take much of your time and you will learn a lot from it." She smiled at me.

I just nodded and walked out of the classroom.

I saw Jared in the hallway talking to a blondie. And when our eyes met, I knew I had to talk to him. I walked over to him and said,"Jared, we need to talk."

"What's going on?" The girl asked.

I was about to snap at her when Jared asked her to leave. She just nodded and walked away.

"Ugh. Blonde Baboon." I grumbled.

"Uh.. Excuse me?" Jared raised an eyebrow.

"Oh right. Erm.. Jared, I wanted to apologise for what happened the other day. I really wasn't thinking and you know, the girl problem.." I said sheepishly.

He sighed. "What are you trying to say?"

"Uhm.. I was.. You know.. God dammit! I was PMSing." I groaned and he laughed.

"Oh my God, Kim. You're crazy." He continued to laugh.

"Well, I've been told that before," I shrugged, grinning.

"And I forgive you. I'm sure, you didn't mean to act-"

"Like an asshole," I completed his sentence.

"I was going to say rude." He shook his head and chuckled once again.

"Oh," I gave him a small smile.

"So, are we cool or nah?"

"We're cool." He smiled at me.

I turned around when he waved at someone behind me. It was the same girl from before.

"What is it with her?" I asked.

"She's my new girlfriend." He said and I looked at him incredulously.

"Well, what a blonde you got there!" I grinned. "Pun intended." I took off before he could stop me for saying that.



Are you guys liking Kyle?
Sure, he's a loser but how long does it take for someone to change? If you know what I mean ;)

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xoxo Richa

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