5. Bad News

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Chapter 5: Bad News

Bella Throne as Chloe.

I dodged one of the defenders, aimed for the goal and kicked the ball. The ball hit one of the poles and the goalkeeper caught it. That's three misses in a row! I can't believe, I missed three freaking times!

Coach Hernandez, AKA, Sasha Hernandez (Yes, it's a she!), whistled, which indicated that the training session was over.

I sighed and headed towards the changing room.
"Kim!!" Chlo screamed.

Chloe and I were in the soccer team. I was the striker and she was one of the defenders.

Fun Fact:
Soccer = The love of my life.
I have been playing soccer for 12 years now.

The best part is that, the girl's soccer team was amazing. The whole squad was really strong.

"What?" I frowned but kept walking.

"You missed three times!"

"Really? I thought, I was dreaming." I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and said,"Whats up with you? I mean seriously, you almost never miss."

I got my clean clothes out of my locker and grabbed a towel.
"Its nothing." I shrugged and headed towards the shower.

"Oh come on Kim! Tell me." She stopped me.

"Ms. Bright has assigned me to one of the activity classes. And I'm losing it ugh."

"No way! That is so awesome!" She said excitedly. "Kim, you're so fucking lucky."

"What? You've got to be kidding me. Those classes are for losers." I told her.

"Of course not. Only the 'smart ass-lucky' people can get into those classes."

"Well, whatever it is, I don't want to attend any activity class." I shook my head.

"But you have to.. now," she smirked.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Oh Chlo, have you seen my keychain?"

"Your favourite one?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Chloe!" Someone called out her name.

"Coming!" She replied and looked at me. "You might have dropped it the other day when you bumped into him." She said, before running off.

Him? Who?


I blow dried my hair after I had taken a shower.
That's when Anna, the team captain entered the changing room.

"Hey Kim," she smiled at me.

"Hello," I waved at her.

She handed me a paper and said,"Your new schedule."

I looked down at the paper and frowned.


"What the hell is this?!" I looked back at her and literally screamed.

"I told you, it's your new schedule. Coach Hernandez asked me to give it to you." She shrugged.

Anna was a really nice girl. She was a good friend of mine as she wasn't one of those bossy captains. She was also one of the best players. But right now, I wanted to kill her for giving me this schedule, even though it wasn't her fault.

"Why has our training's timing changed?" I asked, sighing as I knew I couldn't do anything about this new schedule.

"Not ours. Yours."

"What?" I gave her a perplexed look.

"The activity class overlapped our training timings. So, Coach Hernandez decided to change your training session time."

"So, I'm going to be training.. alone?"

This cannot be happening.

"No," she smiled. "You're going to be training with the boy's soccer team."

I'm... Screwed.

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