10. A picture of his

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Chapter 10 : A picture of his

It was that guy I had met the other day.

"You!" His eyes widened. "Are you stalking me?"

I snorted at that but then went along with it. "Oh yes, I'm a creepy stalker who is crazy enough to follow you to your school," I said in a fangirling voice.

He seemed to get a little angry. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Aunt Betsy interrupted saying,"Alright everyone. Settle down."

Aunt Betsy started off by talking about personality development.
I was all ears for the first 5 minutes but then I just couldn't listen to it anymore.
I started to get restless just by thinking about the girls training. My partner and I weren't even looking at each other, so talking was out of question.

Fun Fact:

Usually, when I get restless, I tend to talk a lot. But in a situation like this, I shake my legs, tap my foot, use my pen as a drumstick, etc.
Oh! And I also start feeling hungry. I really don't know why.

I leaned back in my chair to calm myself down. That's when I saw my partner texting someone.

Dude. You remember that girl from the park the other day? The attitude chick?

Yeah, what bout her?

She's a creepy stalker, man. She ended up in one of my classes. She's my partner and she's sitting next to me right now.

Woah, bro!
Tbh, she was hot. You could pass her on to me if you want.

Hahaha you can have her. I don't like girls like her.

And just like that he went on and on about how crazy I was.
I wanted to punch his face and throw his phone outside the window, but I stayed cool and thought of what I could do.

The words, "pass her on to me" and "you can have her" was circulating around my head and I felt like I was going to blast any moment.

But then, something clicked. An idea.

I'm going to show him what I can do with just one text.
I took out my phone and started typing. I sent the message to the BBC of our school who would forward the message to the whole school. That's what we do when we have a party at our place. Text the BBC and he'll text everyone else.

After a few minutes, everyone in the class room started taking their phones out.
An evil smile crept up on my lips when I heard gasps.

People started to turn around and look at the boy next to me. Some of them gave him disgusted looks.

His phone beeped. He had a text from his friend.

What the hell bro! That girl you were texting me about, is KIM!
And she just humiliated you.

What are you talking about?

He looked up from his phone and I quickly looked away.

Hold on. I'll forward it to you.

The fact that he didn't get the message tells me that the BBC didn't send it to him on purpose. I'm glad, I have the BBC on my side.

His phone beeped again.

I knew I had to get out of there before he'd strangle me with something.
From the corner of my eye, I saw him gripping his phone tightly.

I felt him move beside me and that's exactly when the bell went off and everyone started to rush out of the classroom after Aunt Betsy said,"That's it for today class. See you all tomorrow."

I quickly got off the chair and walked towards the door. But I obviously couldn't leave just like that.

I glanced at him as he was giving me the "you're going to pay for this" glare.
So, I winked at him before leaving.

From: Kim Winchester

Today, I had to attend one of the activity classes. I clearly didn't want to but I had to. I expected this day to be bad but it turned out worse.
What would you do if your partner turned out to be this creep who digs his nose and bites his nails, that too, using the same finger?
He has been taking some pills which is one of the reasons why he keeps farting.
Damn. My day couldn't get worse.
Open file: Here's a picture of his.

Open file: Here's a picture of his

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