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Bellowing out in excruciating pain Hassan's forehead produced tiny beads of sweat as he Panted heavily. Profuse amounts of blood poured from his nail bed while he quivered. Stoically I didn't give a fuck about his pain as I stood there waiting on an answer but got none , every-time I thought he was on the verge of a tap out his faith seemed to restore & he held tighter to his secret. "I'll never tell " he mumbled as he began to laugh. Plopping down on the stool near her bloody work station Brooklyn knew something had to give , he needed to be scared shitless. But for whatever reason he was immune to my Tactics . Stepping back from the situation I needed to find another way. Closing the door behind me , I ripped off the mask & suit then took in a breath of fresh air . Needing to clear my mind I decided on a jog.  Headed back up the three flights of stairs & down the two hallways I could vaguely hear the bell ringing . Sighing cuz I wasn't in the mood for no bullshit , my frown was turned upside down when I got to the doorway, no lie it was more like shock . "Empress" he said in his thick accent & baritone . "Hey daddy"  I chimed as I yanked him inside then peeked my head out and around to see who might have saw him. Smirking Ky shook his head then pulled me in close & whispering some ole nasty shit in my ear as I giggled he bit down on my neck then sucked it lightly . The instant throbbing in my panties erased all my worries & currently my only focus became him. Inhaling his cologne he smelled like heaven & his embrace felt safe, kind of like somewhere I could hide out for forever. After fighting the dread  off I ran to the kitchen to get a meal started, Curried shrimp , brown egg fried rice & asparagus. Sitting across from me he rolled a fatty as I skillfully whipped up our meal. Stopping in my tracks I just had to know wtf made him decide to stop by unannounced .  Raising his brow he said " oh so I can't stop by when I feel like it?" Giving him the eye I said usually u hit me up before u come. That's all . Not feeling my answer he ain't say shit .  I knew I was testing his patience , cuz we had this convo before. I knew he wanted us closer , honestly so did I. Wiping my hands on my pink apron I came around the island & wrapped my arms around his big broad shoulders, leaning in & kissed his cheek hoping he'd soften up. Side eyeing me he said " yuh tink yuh slick" then passed me the freshly rolled blunt. Shocked by his accusation I asked who me? As I leaned over the island lighting it. Standing up off  the stool he gripped my waist firmly pressing me into him. Slipping his hand down the front of my stretch pants I moaned ....the food before cumming all over his fingers.

~Hours later~

Forced off the dick by an angry knocker , I snatched my turquoise robe off the hook & wrapped it around me tying it tightly , then jogged down the stairs I could see two images in the doorway, huffing tirelessly I mumbled fuck just before yanking the door partially open. Smiling ever so annoyed I said " good morning officers !" As I spoke thru the cracked door . Smirking like a kid in the candy store detective Robinson returned the greeting . He so Reminded me of a Horny teen with his Curly tapered fro, while Detective Marsh barely spoke, clearly he was angry & resentful as he watched me suspiciously . Asking could they come in with his brows furrowed , gave me a achy feeling in my gut. Like maybe he knew more than he lead onto. Pleasant as possible I said nope not this time , thank goodness I was scantly dressed. Exposing my robe , he said ok ok no problem and began to walk away, leaving me exhaling a breath I unknowingly held . I was overjoyed to see the duo leaving , all the unnecessary questions & pop-ups were annoying to say the least. As if struck by a thought officer marsh spun around on his loafers , walking back towards me & said you know I've been thinking .... Sighing loudly I say "mhm"??? Stuffing his hands in his pocket, he skeptically watched for my reaction as he said "what if Hassan never left , like what if he was still here ?" Laughing Brooklyn said "humor me Detective marsh ... Although I'm merely a housewife , and I've never lead an investigation , I understand English quite well. However I'm lost exactly what do you mean ?" Grinning almost threateningly He said "search warrants weren't hard to come by & maybe it was time to revisit that option." Locking eyes with the stone faced detective , I said "do what you feel." Then closed the door in his face, sighing deeply my shoulders fell as my worries began to pile up.
{Clearing his throat} swiftly I spun around to see Ky standing at the foot of the stairs , with a look of concern. Straight to the point he asked "what was that about Brooklyn ? " "Huh I asked ?" Giving me a suspicious look of his own he said "the officers , Brooklyn ... Df they want?" Not wanting to lie , but unwilling to tell the truth I said what any good woman would. " The neighbors & their foolishness, you hungry ? I got these Belgium waffles that are to die for. As I sashayed to the kitchen . On my heels he didn't plan on dropping the conversation. "So yuh mean to tell me, 2 d'z come to the house asking to come in , and chat bout neighbors?" Accent thick and strong I knew my ass was in trouble , giggling I laid into him wrapping my arms around his neck, and say would you want to be seen by same people your doing an investigation on ? Just as he was about to respond the door knocked lightly . Saved by the grace of god I scurried off. To my surprise it was Claudia , Hey Claudia I said loudly ! Smirking she apologized for dropping by unannounced but she needed to talk. Cussing myself for even being affiliated with a situation like this I said "sure no problem come on in". Before I could excuse myself  I noticed her sniff, I wondered if she recognized him on me. Checking the kitchen , he was Mia so I headed upstairs , entering my bedroom he was dressed & preparing to leave. Sitting on the edge of the bed he asked Why is she here ? Shrugging I said " idk to complain about you? I guess" As I untied my robe & let it fall to the floor. Brow raised he said "& yuh listening?"  Looking back at him I flung my hair behind my shoulder & asked "should I tell her your laying in my bed with a woody ? Shaking his head he grabbed my face roughly kissing my lips before saying " I'm out" . Mumbling mhm I slid into a white tee & some black stretch pants . Jogging downstairs behind him I let his ass out & went to tend to my company . Tho I heard her issues and her concerns my mind was elsewhere . I had a bunch to handle and not much time to do it in. Escorting her to the door she said my gosh he's on my mind I can smell him and all. Being the good friend I am I said " girl it's all in ya head ". Closing the door behind her I went to the closet got on my sneakers, grabbed my book bag & headed out as well.

~Hours later~
whimpering  & confused I chained her seven feet from her bastard son. Ignoring her mumbling & pleas was hard (I do know right from wrong tyvm) but I needed this information. Yanking the chains I checked to make sure she was secure, though I felt bad I needed to know where she was. And playing with Hassan was tiresome , snatching the pillowcase off her head I looked over to Hassan wondering if I had his attention yet? As if on cue he lost it calling me all kinds of bitches. Next he threatened , then came bargaining . And lastly begging . He definitely wasn't to be trusted so Ofc that went in one ear & out the other collectively he had not a single upper hand. He knew where she was but wouldn't tell me so I afforded him the same respect.(Shrugging) I was fine with it tho after the last six years of torture ! Wasn't  much a person could do or say to directly offend me....
Hassan had taken so much from me life , love , security & family..... Now in return I planned to leave him alone , I wanted to walk away from it all , me & my lynni, she was all I wanted. But the tables were turning, the puzzle pieces no longer fit & I was in way to deep. I jumped in head first & now it was sink or swim .
Only out of frustration did I smack him with the metal bed pan. Cocky like he wasn't locked up in a basement the bitch smirked at me. In hind sight I guess the sound of it crashing into his skull wasn't melodic for mommy dearest, From my peripheral I peeped her buckle ,as she let out a low sob.  Tisk Tisk Tisk  see now your ummi she's got the right idea, she can see that I'm on a mission . She understands I'll carry it out til the end & she hates me but respects my stance.

Eden's Garden (unfinished) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن