Keep Growing Keep Mistakes

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Chapter 1
Rain's POV
The sun stings my eyes and makes them watery. I wake up and gently lift myself from the forest ground. I walk a mile or two in discomfort because my throat was like a desert and was screaming for water. I reach a small lake and jumped into the cold water. I immediately woke up and greedily drunk my fill. I floated on the water for a little, taking in the peacefulness. The sun was shining its warm rays on me, cool breezes push at my face. I swam out and sat on the shore to dry off. I looked at the monster trees that stood so greatly around me. I shifted into my wolf still wet and ran deeper into the forest.
After about a hour of running I was completely dry. I took a few more sips of water from a small stream, carefully eyeing a small fish in the water. I crouched down and leaped into the stream. Failure. I climbed out wet again and my stomach growled for food. I walked around a group of trees and spotted a nest with a couple blue eggs inside, I shifted into a small bobcat and climbed up the tree. I waited on a branch until the momma bird flew off in search for food. I hid carefully until I was sure she was gone. I climbed onto the nest and started to eat the first egg, there was two total eggs. I broke into the egg and the yoke bled out. I ate both eggs then climbed down the short tree. Still hungry I crawled into a short abandoned tunnel in the ground that only went back 5 feet back and I layed down to rest. I woke up quickly to hear digging and growling. I looked to the entrance of the small hole and saw a coyote swinging it's arms in trying to get me. It was digging fast, and it was close to reaching me. So I shifted into a black diamondback rattle snake and I started to shake my rattle. The coyote stopped digging confused as to how a small bobcat turned into a deadly snake. It stuck it's nose in to inspect but in a flash I bite it right on the nose. It jumped up and ran off as fast as it could. It was a dry bite so it'll be ok.
I slithered out of the hole, and saw that it was the middle of the night and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again so I shifted into a barn owl and flew up into a tree and watched to find my next meal. With my super sensitive hearing I heard the heart beat of a mouse. I flew to a lower branch of the tree and looked around at the forest floor. I flew tree to tree listening to the heart beat until I finally found it. It was a mouse tangled in a bush. Its heart beat increased. I simply flew down, grabbed it with my talons and continued to fly up into a large tree and I ate my meal in peace. A givin catch, rare. I quickly yarped a pellet or in other words pooped a poop out of my mouth and flew into a hollow tree to nap.
I was almost asleep when I heard the scream of a girl. I flew closer to the sound and saw the scene unfold. A young werewolf girl was being beaten by some adult rogue wolves. She screamed everytime they hit her. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to. I flew down to the ground and shifted into a dirty hasel wolf. Then I quickly joined the fight. Now I wasn't planning on taking on three adult wolves because even though I was a large wolf for a female that's just stupid. I bite one of them in the arm until I heard a crunch. Then sprinted and rammed the second one. Even though these wolves were big I could tell the they were very dumb when it came to combat. The third one jumped on my back but couldn't keep balanced and I quickly shook it off. The third was up now and started to chase me then the second started to and now the first healed it's arm from my bite. I ran as fast as I could towards the cliffs. They caught up to me but before they could even nip at my tail they fell, in mid air I shifted into my barn owl and I flew higher. I looked down and saw their life less bodies at the bottom of the cliff. With the moon lowering I quickly shifted back to my wolf and ran back to the girl. I easily found her up in a tree. She was wimpering quietly. I shifted into human form and climbed up the tree. I got up to her, she was shaking. "Hey." I whispered. She looked at me. "Don't worry those bad wolves are gone now." I said reassuring her. "Are they dead?" She said so quietly I almost didn't hear. "Yes, they are dead." And with that we both climbed down the tree. In the moon light I saw her better and she looked to be around the age of 11or 12. She looked central American with her carmel skin and dark hair and eyes. She wore a simple night dress but it was ripped and very dirty. She probably couldn't shift into her wolf yet. Werewolfs usually shift when their 13. "Where is your pack honey." I asked softly. "I don't know, those wolves took me from my pack, (she started to cry) I was just walking around the territory and they t-took me." I hugged her. "Don't worry I'll help you find your pack". I smiled at her.
I led her to the base of an old oak tree and we climbed up and rested on a huge branch. "Get some rest the sun will rise in a few hours." She nodded her head and soon her tired body was asleep. I jumped down the tree and shifted into my wolf and went out hunting. I followed the scent of a deer and her doe and finally found them in a small meadow. I crouched as low as I could and waited. And after 30 minutes they were close enough to strike. I jumped up into the air and landed directly on the doe. The momma deer couldn't do anything so she ran off and I gripped the doe by the neck and it died within seconds. I quickly ran towards the oak to see the young girl still asleep. I realized that I didn't know her name. I barked at her and she slowly woke up I started to eat and she jumped down and waited her turn. I liked that she was well mannered even though I wouldn't have minded if she had immediately started to eat, poor thing probably hadn't had a proper meal in a while. I indicated that she could and she quickly dug her small hands in and brought up small amounts of meat to eat. "Let's move to another tree it be safe, other predators could smell this and I'm to full to fight." I patted my full belly. And she laughed. While we walked in human form I asked, "What's your name?" She looked at me and said, "Amy and yours?" I smiled, "Rain and that's a beautiful name." "Thank you. I like yours to." We found another huge pine tree to rest on. By the time we got there the sun was high in the sky. "What is your pack's name?" I asked. "It is the Ice Moon pack." Amy answered. "Hmmm I think I know that pack but I forgot where is was." "Or you just have a bad memory." She laughed. "Ya but I can usually remember because I have stay clear of packs." Amy had a questioning look on her face but I moved on. "I'm sorry to have to bring this up but in order to find your pack I'm going to have to go to where they kept you." Amy's mood immediately went cold. "Oh ok."
We rested for a bit then went back to where the fight was. Along the way Amy told me how she had escaped from that horrible place but was soon caught by those men.
After a day of walking we finally reached a huge log cabin. And she pointed out that she was brought at the rear end of the cabin so that means she was brought in from the east. "Ok so let's go around the cabin and we will head east." She nodded and didn't talk while we walked again. I knew she was raped here, I could smell it on her. Multiple men. It made me feel sick to the stomach. When night came we stopped at a pine tree. Amy immediately went to sleep and I shifted into my owl and went hunting. I caught two mice in both talons. I woke Amy up in human form and gave her one of the mice.
While we ate I wondered how the pack life would be. When I was little I was kicked out of my pack for being disobedient, I was 11 at the time. The Alpha at that time was very cruel and unfair. I was starving my first few days on my own but a nice human man and his wife took me in. They owned and large piece of land in the forest. I grew up as their daughter until I was 16. They both died of old age. First the women then the man. They couldn't live without each other. At 13 I shifted and I found out that the old couple knew all about Werewolfs, wiches, and shifters like myself. So when I shifted they were their for me. I shifted 6 times and each were very painful but they always cared for me. I loved them. And I was very sad to see them go. I eventually learned how to hunt and take care of myself. The old couple taught me a few things.

I slept until dawn when Amy woke me up. "I'm thirsty." She wined. "Shhh, do you hear that." I wispered. She looked around. I strained my ears. Then in the distance I saw them. The rogues that took Amy, their was more of them, and they were coming for her.

Thank you readers for giving my book a chance if you have any suggestions please comment them because I'm all for the public opinion. Thanks.
Pictures of the animals Rain can shift into. :)

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