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Chapter 4
Amy's POV
I led Rain into my room and quickly closed and locked the door. After Leo left in anger I got some clothes for Rain since she had only gotten a over sized shirt. "Here these are my brother's sweatpants and jacket you can go take a shower first and I'll go make you something to eat." "Thank you so much honey." Rain smiled really big than went into the bathroom in my room. I went down the stairs in the kitchen and started to make a few PB and J sandwiches. "Amy!" My brother yelled.
I ignored him and continued to make the sandwiches. "Amy dad put me in charge of watching you and the rogue and yo-" I interrupted him and said "Stop calling her rogue!" I yelled. "Where is she?! Did you leave her alone in your room?!" He yelled. Than he stormed is up stairs. "Wait! No! Leo!" I starting running up stairs. When I heard a scream. I burst in and saw Leo sitting on my bed wide eyed. And Rain yelling for him to get out. I pushed him out and told Rain that he was gone. She came out and quickly got dressed. "Amy can I tell you something." Rain asked. "Ya of course." "I'm 18 years old.
And I'm sure you know that when you turn 18 you begain yo find you mate" She said. "You found yours." I said. "Your brother." There was silence. "Oh wow I'm so happy for you, but he is 17 he doesn't know yet." "Ya I know and that's why I have to leave Amy." I was shocked and confused. "But why." I said. "Amy please honey understand, I don't want to leave you but I don't want a mate." I started to tear up. She hugged me but I didn't hug back. Than I started to get angry. "You can't just leave me! After all we have been through!" I yelled. "Amy please." She said quietly.
"NO! You can't just leave me!!" I screamed. "Amy." But I screamed some more. I wasn't trying to be whiny or anything, but this made me so mad. I never had any real friends and she is the closest I've had. She means so much to me and she just wants to leave me alone like this. I yelled more at her and then my brother came in. "What's going on!" He yelled. And when I looked back RAIN Was gone. I looked out at the open window and saw that Rain had jumped from a two story window and was running out of the territory. "Did she hurt you Amy." My brother asked frantically. I ignored him and ran out of the pack house. "Rain!" I called out. But the guards got a hold of me and brought me back inside and my dad came rushing out and said "Catch the rogue!" I started panicking. If Rain gets caught they will surely keep her in the dungeons.
I was kept in my room for a couple hours until my Pa came in. "Honey are you sure she didn't hurt you." He asked. I was to much into thought to hear him though. This is all my fault. If I wasn't so selfish this wouldn't have happened. "Honey." Pa said. "I'm fine thank you, I just want to be alone. Please." He nodded and closed my door on the way out.
I silently started to cry but than wiped them away this is my fault and I have to fix what I started. I got up and marched into my brother's office. "Leo I have to tell you something." I said sternly. "What." He replied.
I hesitated for a minute then said, "Rain is your mate, she is already 18 and she is 100% you are her mate and our birthday's are in a couple days. Now either you go right now and look for her or live your life without a mate." I finished saying. He looked at me for a bit then started to laugh my blood boiled by this. "You have got to be kidding me, she told you that crap. I thought you were smarter than that Amy." He said.
I thrust my hands on to his desk which made a loud thump. "Leo! Listen to me we haven't got much time! I'm serious." I said angrily. "Amy you listen to me. Go get some rest drink some water and relax. I rather throw myself off this house then go look for a dirty rogue." He said with disgust in his tone. "I didn't tell you everything about my kidnapping. I didn't tell you and Pa where they kept me.
And Mike is still out there and only Rain knows how he looks like." I said. "I'll send some guards to babysit you incase you have any dumb ideas." He said and with that I went out of his office. I slammed the door to my room and started to think of a plan. Rain, where would she go? Probably somewhere far away. Why doesn't she want a mate? I mean she is a very independent girl.
Maybe she doesn't want to be with someone 24/7. Maybe she likes being alone. But she liked being with me right? We had lots of fun together. Maybe I can track her. I know her scent. It would be easier if I had my wolf, but I can't wait another couple days I've got to find her. I opened my window and saw that it would be a two story jump. I held my breath and jumped I landed roughly but I didn't seem to break anything but then the guards saw me.
"Hey! Stop!" They yelled. I ran into the woods but was quickly grabbed by my brother. "What did I tell you about those dumb ideas." He pulled me into the pack house and my dad and mom came to us. "What do you think you were doing." My Pa asked. Without answering him I ran into my room.
A couple days later
Tonight is the big night I was excited and sad at the same time. Rain wasn't here and I had made two other attempts to get away but each time I failed. Now my mom was fitting a dress on me for me and Leo's birthday. "Now even though you are going to shift tonight doesn't mean you can't look your best. Aww you look so beautiful honey. I love you so much. I hope it won't hurt as much as it had for me, I couldn't stand seeing you hurt like that." I smiled and hugged her. "I love you to mom. But you know the other kids said that the more painful the shift is the strong and bigger you will be." I said excitedly. She chuckled than tied a piece of my hair up. I looked in the mirror and I was wear a sweater dress since it was the end of fall and close to winter, my dark blue Vans, (I had to fight mom with those but she finally let me Ha) and the top part of my hair was tied with a black ribbon. Me and my mom went out to our huge backyard and it looked so beautiful, there was rows of white tables and chairs and little stage, lights streamed all over and a huge table full of food and drinks. And it was all surrounded by trees and grass. The moon was climbing high into the sky and guest from other packs were arriving already.
"Hello everyone, ya hi. Now if everyone can direct their attention to the stage. Thank you. Well firstly thank you everyone for coming. My son Leo is turning 18 tonight and I will be passing the alpha title to him. Now some have disagreed with giving him the title so early but I have confidence that he will be a great alpha. And even though it wouldn't be traditional to bring a crowd here for it, it also happens to be my daughter's 13th birthday today where she will shift and will run with us the first night of my son's new title. So let the alpha ceremony begain so we can all eat cause I know all of you are wanting to eat already." A few people laughed and than Leo and Pa were the only ones on the stage. They both silt there hands with a special knife so that they couldn't heal right away and Pa started first. "I Mark Rob Slent hear by pass the Alpha title to my son Leo Rob Slent." Pa said. "I Leo Rob Slent accept-" but before he could finish there was a lone howl in the distance. And Leo and Pa seemed to know what it meant. "Everyone run get inside the safe house!" Pa screamed. My mom tried to grab me but was rammed away by screaming people. I stood alone in the crowd. Than I saw a huge mass of rogues in their wolf forms run and start to slaughter people. People from my pack shifted and attacked the enemy. Than a voice roared above all the others.
And what I saw almost made me fall to my knees. Mike stood in human form and started to talk. "Hello Mark my dear old friend." "Mike I swear if you lay a hand on my family-" Pa got interrupted by Mike and he said,"Oh but I've already have. Your precious daughter and let me tell you she is a feisty one." I saw Leo run to him in pure hatred but was tackled by two of Mikes men, they struggled but the kept Leo down.
"Oh and I have a present for you Leo." So men from the woods dragged something between them but I couldn't see what it was so I walked and little forward to see and I swear the my heart stopped.
Hiii sorry to leave you at this cliffhanger, trust me I would be mad to but don't worry next chapter will come soon! Please tell me how you feel about the story, let me know what changes you would like and what you would want to happen. I will try to read all comments and questions. Thanks. BTW I am trying to look for a better image for the book cover if you can I would love if you guys could help me out, thanks.

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