Chapter Nineteen: A Dream From Long Ago

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“Get in the closet.”

            I looked up from the sink and into the mirror to see my dad stare at me with urgent eyes. Had something happened?

“Uh…Which closet?” I asked, remembering how mom used to tell me that if dad ever told me to get into a closet or hide somewhere I was supposed to do so. No questions asked.

            My father thought about it for a moment before taking me by my elbow and dragging me out of the bathroom.

“I didn’t finish brushing my teeth.” I said, stunned, looking up at the man who raised me.

            There was a loud crash from downstairs which made me let out a small yelp. On a normal occasion I would have wondered if my mother had dropped something, but I knew that wasn’t the case. I could feel it in my bones as my father picked me up and made a sprint down the hall.

“I can smell her.” A voice said as heavy feet came tromping up the stairs.

            My father’s jaw tightened and I could tell that he settled for the linen closet he stuffed me in.

“Don’t go.” I said to him in a pleading manner. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I knew that if my dad were to close the door then I would never see him again.

            There was a hurt look in his eyes and he leaned down to kiss the top of my forehead. I could feel his glasses slipping off the bridge of his nose and brush against my skin. When he pulled away I felt a tear slip down my cheek and almost screamed for him to stay, but he shut the door in my face. I felt my heart drop.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding, Jean.” I heard a voice say to my father.

“I wouldn’t say hiding. Hiding is what cowards do.”

“Where is she?”

“Liridona is downstairs in the kitchen, but something tells me you already knew that.” My dad told the stranger, acid dripping from his voice as he spoke to him.

“I’m talking about your daughter.” The other snapped.

            There was a silence and then a loud banging sound. The air around me caught in my throat and I leaned against the closet door. What was happening on the other side? Did my father it someone? Did my mother?

“That wasn’t nice, Jean. I came all this way and you just attack me.” The other told my dad, making me smile for just the slightest moment. I knew my dad was a good fighter.

“I’m going to have to rip your heart out for that one.”

            My heart fell. It fell fast and hard as I heard the stranger’s threat. I was tempted to burst out of the closet and hand myself over to the bad guys just to safe my parents, but I couldn’t. No matter how much I wanted to move, my body was frozen.

“Why are you doing this?” My father soon asked.

“She’s human. You aren’t. We can still train her.”

            There was another silence and then another loud bang. The air caught in my throat and tears trickled down my cheeks. I felt as though a part of me had just died.

“Did you just fire a gun in my house?” My father asked, outraged.

            I could hear the surprise in his voice, the anger through his gritted teeth.

“You’re minus a wife now unless you hand her over now; you’ll be minus a life.” The voice said, it was cold and hard to the point that I shivered as he spoke.

            My mom was dead. They had actually killed my mom. While I tried to take in that new reality, I heard the sound of a second person walking towards my father.

“She’s up here somewhere.” The other said, causing me to stop breathing and back far away from the door.

“So you resorted to working with guys like him?” My father asked. Even I could tell he was holding out for what was bound to happen and I didn’t like the idea one bit.

            One of the two guys shouted in pain before a thud it the floor, a pool of blood seeping into the carpet.

“So that’s how it’s going down, huh?” The remaining man asked.

“If I’m going to die then I would like to know that I died saving my daughter.”

“That’s what your wife said after she killed my brother. Now there are three bullets in her heart and her head on the counter.

            A gasp passed through my lips and I knew that I had been heard. I didn’t care if I was caught though. If my parents were dead then there was no point in me living. Better dead than orphaned is what I figured.

“Come out, come out.” The stranger said in a sing song voice, his hand knocking on the closet door.

“She’s not in there.”

“Really, Jean? I thought you were smarter than that.”  He sighed, cocking his gun.

            My father cursed under his breath and slammed his hand against the door. I could tell because I knew when the air shifted for his weight. I wasn’t sure when I had been able to do something like that, but it helped me know what was happening.

“Do you really want to do this?” The man asked. "Abhida won't be too happy."

            My father didn’t answer. I wasn’t sure if he even planned on it, but I knew that it didn’t matter anymore. The stranger’s gun went off just as sirens filled the air. Tears stained my cheeks and I blocked out all the sounds that had filled the air. The bright lights as the closet door was slammed open and the people who rushed me out of my safety place. One thing they didn’t seem to be able to stop, was my eyes from freezing on my mother’s decapitated head on the counter and her eyes gone.

            I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. That picture was burned in my mind.


Okay so you just finished reading chapter nineteen, Hoorah! As you all must have suspected, this chapter is Ezimiah's dream/ nightmare/ memory. I know it's not all that good, but it's how she dreamt it so you can't argue. hahaha!

Anyways, Vote, Comment, Love me :p

Chapter twenty will be uplaoded when I can get to it. Mind you this is part of a two month time skip (so you all don't have to deal with filler chapter after filler chapter). Happy Days!

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