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Today I found out I could get the male lead of the school play expelled. Long story short, I realized this while reading the school rulebook. If I got together a group of people, myself included, we could get him expelled for sexual harassment. He will go up to people and grope them or whisper sensual things in their ear. He is so creepy. But the worst case is this kid in his choir class named Robbie. Josh will grab his ass or push him up against walls and whisper a very sensual "I'm so glad you're in choir." Of course it came to no surprise to Robbie when he discovered Josh liked him. Although, it slightly shocked us, as Josh never came out as bi or gay or anything at all other than straight, at least not publicly. I mean, sure he is a bit sexual with guys, but he is with almost all of his friends, including me. And since all of the "victims" are his friends, after informing each one that we could, we all agreed not to do it because we know Josh is a good person, and that this part of him is just that- a part of him. So what if he is technically sexually harrasing us. Its not like we really care. The rulebook defined it as "unwanted physical or verbal contact with any kind of sexual connotation". That definitely fits the bill, as none of us really want it, and the encounters definitely have a lot of sexual connotation, but we don't want Josh expelled. He has a bright future ahead of him with straight A's and a possible acting or singing career ahead of him. We don't want to make that future practically impossible, which is what getting him expelled would do. In the rulebook it is said that the punishments for sexual harrasment are as followed:

1st offense: 3-5 day out of school suspension

2nd offense: 5-10 day out of school suspension pending expulsion(expelled)

This mean that any more than two offenses and he will most definitely be expelled. Josh has done this on varying degrees to 15+ people, most of them multiple times. Sexual harassment is in the rulebook said to be a level 4 infraction of behavior. An example of a level 5(the worst and just one step above) is bringing a gun to school. Having illegal drugs is a level four, equal to sexual harrasment. This would be terrible for Josh's permanent record, probably diminishing his college choices significantly. If you want to know what he looks like, he has the face and hair of the famous scientist James Watson. Thats the Asian one from the team Watson and Crick. Seriously they look like they could be twins if there wasn't a huge age gap.

That's all for today. Bye

Authors note:

Josh, I am not I repeat not trying to get you expelled. I just thought it was interesting that if I hated you for some reason(which I don't. Totally love you your a good person and u helped me through a lot) I had a means to ruin your life(which I don't want to) love you. Sorry if you hated me and/or Robbie for a moment there. Also, thanks for calling me your bff(you really didn't have to) it was appreciated.

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