Ian and Cameron

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Everyone ships these two, so I am pairing them together. Ian has really fluffy light brown hair that's kind of like an afro but also not. Cameron has straight dark brown hair that's a little bit messy. I don't know too much about Ian, but Cameron is a bit of a perv. Everyone is obsessed with Ian's hair. Ian has been Sarah's best friend for a long time. Cameron makes dirty jokes in every situation. One of my first memories of him was of him luring a friend behind a curtain during a performance with the promise of ice cream. Once there, my friend asked where the ice cream was, and he said,"Feel lower for the ice cream maker." My friend didn't eat ice cream for months. Ian and Cameron LARP together and their ship name is Iacam.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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