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Kayla is an interesting one. I met her because I was dating her ex called sky(more on him later) she can be a bit bitchy and seems to always be insulting me or Bella, but she can be nice if you give her a chance. She's one of those people that will be there for you and help you when you mess up, but will call you a diphthong for it afterwards(that sounds really weird but that's what she says) and also sometimes idiot. But she is reliable and trustworthy and has her own problems to deal with(so much has changed for her this year, from her grandma dying to her 15 year old sister having a baby, to her finding out this will be her last year with us as she's moving away.) So we don't complain to much about the insults(mainly to my fashion sense which she hates) and by we I mean I. Bella is different

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