Chapter 8

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*Chris' POV*

"I do.. I-it's just.. T-that.."

"no its fine" I interrupted him.

Pushing him away from the hug. I walked down the hall into my room. I locked my door.

Its 10:57. I actually thought he trusted me.

Tears ran down my face.

*knock, knock*

"who is it?" I yelled. Trying to sound like I'm not crying.

"its me, El. Please open" she said.

Wow. I feel guilty for not telling my best friend, Eleanor, what's been happening.

I stood up to unlock the door. Quickly wiping away the tears.

"hey babe, what's wrong?" She said.

"El, I feel really guilty for not telling you what's been going on" I started.

"its fine. We always end up saying everything at the end anyways. Don't feel guilty" she said.

"ok well, me and Niall became friends now..."

I explained her everything that has been going on. Since I got here.

"is this why you're crying?" She asked. I nodded.

"well babe, I think you should cool down until you're ready to talk to him again" she added.

"thanks El, I really needed to talk to you" I said. Laughing. She laughed as well.

"now get ready to go to bed.. Me and you are going to Starbucks in the morning" she said.

"yay! Our favourite!" I exclaimed.

"ok. I'm gonna go back to the Louis' room. Night babe" she said walking out.

"night" I said.

I changed into my pajamas. Grabbed my big stuffed monkey and got under the duvet.

"goodnight chubby monkey.. I love you" I whispered.


*Niall's POV*

I got her upset.

I walked down to her door. I was about to knock until.

"night babe" I heard Eleanor say.

"night" Chris said.

The door opened. I moved aside.

"hey Niall" she said.

"she doesn't wanna talk to me, does she?" I said.

"nope.. Just wait till she's ready" she said.

"you're right" I replied.

"well off to bed.. Night"


I got closer to the door.

"goodnight chubby monkey.. I love you" she whispered.

I cracked a small smile.



*El's POV*

"CHRIS WAKE UP!!" I yelled. Shaking her.

She grabbed her duvet and covered her face. I took it off of her. She grabbed her pillow instead. Really?! Ugh!


"no!" She groaned.

"CCCCHHHHRRRIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

"AH! FINE!" She yelled.

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