Chapter 29

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*Luke's POV*

I held her close to me. Letting her wet my t-shirt with her tears. Coming from those beautiful green eyes of hers.

I lightly gripped her hand.

"you don't have to answer that" I said.

She calmed down a little. I lifted her chin up. Looking into those red, puffy eyes.

I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"please don't cry" I plead.

"I'm sorry" she said.

I gently placed a peck on her cheek.

"you need to rest. Go to bed" I said.

"will you come with me?" She asked.

I nodded.

"c'mon" I said.

I carried her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

I carried her up the stairs into her room.

I layed her down on her bed. I layed next to her.

She cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around her. Pecking her forehead.

She played with my fingers. It's like if we were a couple.

"D-Delilah she told me everything" she said.

"who's Delilah? What did she tell you? I don't like seeing you hurt" I said.

"she's my roommate. She told me that she had history with Niall and that I was the reason they broke up. That when we first kissed, he was with her all along because I didn't talk to him. It all makes sence now. He didn't talk to me after a week. When they broke up. And, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I trusted him.." She said. Lightly crying.

"I'm sorry Chris. You don't deserve that. You're a great person, you're beautiful and I'm pretty pissed off at Niall right now. He hurt you and the last thing I wanna see is you getting hurt" I said. Wiping away her tears.

"I gave him everything.." She whispered.

"everything as in-"

"mhm" she interrupted me.

I can't believe he would do such a thing.

Her phone buzzed.

"got a text?" I asked.

She nodded.

"it's Niall, I'm not answering" she said.

"I'm sorry Chris" I hugged her.

"go to sleep" I whispered. Pecking her cheek.

She took deep breaths.

She pecked my cheek.

"goodnight Luke" she said.

"goodnight Chris" I replied.

I love you.


3 am.

I woke up.

I looked around.

Where's Chris?

I got up. Searching in the kitchen. She sat there. Drinking a cuppa.

"hey" she said.

"why'd you get out of bed?" I Ask.

"couldn't sleep" she replied.

"everything ok?" I hugged her.

"I just can't get that out of my head" she said.

"I know" I whispered.

"you have to sleep. You have to go to uni tomorrow" I said.

"I can't. And I'm not going" she said. I sighed.

"would you rather stay here with me the whole day?" I asked. She nodded.

"ok now please come back to bed" I plead.

"ok" she giggled. Hugging me.

Aaarrrggghhh!!!! Why does she make me feel this way?!

I kissed her cheek. And entwined our fingers.

*Niall's POV*

She's giving me the silent treatment. I don't know what's wrong. I'm so worried and I don't know what to do.

She doesn't answer her phone. Answer my text messages or tweets. Something is going on and she doesn't want to tell me.

Or she's mad at me and doesn't want to speak to me?

I don't know! I just need her.

Me: Chris, please answer me. Is there something wrong?

She's not going to respond.

Did do something wrong?

"hey mate" Louis said. I nodded my head as a response.

"what's wrong? You ok?" He asked.

"there's something wrong with Chris.." I said.

"what? What about my little sister? Is she ok?" He asked.

"well I don't know.. She doesn't answer any of my messages, calls, tweets or anything. I've been trying to contact her all day" I say. Exhaustion in my tone.

"what did I do wrong?" I ask. Crying.

He hugged me.

"I'll talk to her. Just, don't cry ok?" He said. I nodded.

*Louis' POV*

I walked out of the room.

Taking my phone out of my pocket.

I have to dial Chris.

I held my phone close to my ear.

"hello?" She answered.

"Chris, can you tell me what the hell is going on? You have Niall worried sick about you. You have him crying!" I said.

"Louis he hurt me." She said.

"he doesn't know what he did to you" I said.

"call him and tell him what's going on" I said.


"do it" I interrupted.

"fine" she hung up.

*Niall's POV*

My phone rung.

"hello?" I answered.

"Niall" I heard. The voice I've been dying to hear.

"Chris! Oh my God baby! Are you ok? Why haven't you answered me?" I say.

"Niall we have to talk" she said.

(A/N): I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday:(

Really busy lately:/

But I updated just for you guys! :)

Anyways, my friend, @LucySwayBieber is doing a story of me and crush! If you're interested, you can check it out :)

OMF! Guys my crush, M. I was texting him last night about something... Nd he said, "do you wanna meet me at moes on Wednesday morning? I can but you a coffee or something" Nd OMF! Ahhhhhhh!!!! :D I said, yes. Of course! Omg! I can't wait! :))

Haha ok..

Also, massive thank you for 11.3K! Means a lot guys!

Please comment/vote! :)

Love you all!!

-Bianca xxx

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