Chapter 33

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*Niall's POV*

The doctor walked in.

"hello" he said.

"hi" me and Chris say.

"I just came to say, that you're ok and you don't have any bad injuries so you can go home tomorrow at any time that you'll like" he said.

"oh, thank you" Chris said.

"you're welcome. Have a goodnight" he said. He walked out the door.

Doctors these days are weird shits!

I look at Chris. She's smiling.

"you can take me home tomorrow" she grins.

I chuckled.

I bent over to her and pecked her perfect pink lips.

"go to sleep" I said.

She looked at me with those beautiful, sparkling, green eyes.

She's so perfect.

"goodnight princess" I pecked her forehead.

"goodnight Nialler" she whispered.

I sat down on the chair.


Next day.

My phone buzzed.

Kelly: Niall, you and the boys have to come back on tour.

Me: but, Chris hasn't left the hospital. Can you give us atleast one more week?

Kelly: Niall, I gave you guys, 3 weeks already! 3 weeks is enough! We need you back to make more money!

Me: is that all you want? Money?

Kelly: no, of course not!

Me: well, it sure sounds like you do!

Kelly: Niall, we need you guys back on tour.

Me: no. We're not leaving until Chris feels better.

Kelly: well then if you don't return, you're fired!

Me: go ahead!

Kelly: you're fired!

Me: I won't be "dating" Ellie anymore and me and Chris are going public.

Kelly: you can't do that!

Me: yes, I can.

I sighed.

"hey, you ok?" Chris asked.

"err.. Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I said.

"you sure?" She asked.

"yeah, I'm ok" I said.

"Niall" she said.

I looked at her.

"take me home" she whispered. I chuckled.

"let's go home then" I said.

"just let me change into these clothes my mum brought me" she said.

"ok" I whispered.

"Niall!" She yelled.

"yeah?" I reply.

"I forgot to get my bra, can you give it to me? It's on the bed" she said.

I walked over to the bed and grabbed the black bra. I walked towards the toilet.

"here, babe" I said.

"thank you" she said.

"want me to help you with that?" I ask.

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