Chapter 1 - Gwaine's Suggestion

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A/N - This is a small story idea that has been floating around in my head for awhile now. It won't be a really long story nor is it going to be some huge AU story like my other ones. (I'll probably write one of those again after this if I get an idea)

This is just going to be a fun little story with a couple chapters so I hope you'll enjoy. :)


Arthur sighs inwardly to himself. He's sitting at the dining table in his chambers, head resting against his arms which are crossed rather uncomfortably under him. His eyes trail the hand using the whetstone to sharpen his sword on the table, watching the deft fingers moving down the blade in a rhythmic pattern. 

The prince shifts his gaze up higher, examining the features of his servants bored expression as he continues with his work. He stares, contemplating the way his servant's eyes seem unfocused, how they seem to be thinking of a million things other than the task at hand. He wonders sometimes what goes on in Merlin's mind. He could be wise one moment and be a complete idiot the next. That boy was a mystery to even the prince himself but that only added to the servant's charm. A charm that he hadn't noticed until recently. 

He didn't know exactly when he started to look at Merlin differently. He only knows that it had happened one day, suddenly and without warning. One day, Merlin was just a good friend and the next he was someone Arthur never wanted to leave his side. Perhaps it had happened when they had to part ways when saving Camelot from Morgana and Morgause. Arthur couldn't deny he was afraid to send Merlin off alone with nobody but Lancelot into a castle infested with immortal knights, but the servant had insisted and he knew Lancelot was more than capable of protect him. Many times his heart had pounded urgently as he stalked through the corridors when searching for his father at the thought that Merlin could be wounded or worse, dead. 

Of course, he wasn't sure if that had been when it started. It could have been earlier. It could have been later. Again, he wasn't sure. All he knows now is that he loves Merlin. More than he should.

Arthur heaves a low sigh, one quiet enough that Merlin couldn't hear. He has tried being nicer to his servant ever since he discovered his own feelings, hoping to win Merlin's heart with kindness. He gave him less chores whenever possible, tried to be more lenient to his laziness, and even vowed to stop throwing goblets at him but all that seemed to do was make Merlin suspicious.    

The candle flame flickers as a breeze blows through the open window, casting an orange light across the room, making the manservant's eyes seem to shine gold in the dim glow. Arthur tries to imagine Merlin as a sorcerer to take his mind off things. He imagines his manservant chanting strange words in a foreign language as he casts spell after spell. The prince almost has to hide his face from the chuckles that rise from his throat at the thought. He could never see Merlin acting in such a way. How could his idiot of a manservant, the same one who trips over his own two feet be an evil sorcerer? There is simply no way.

"Arthur?" Merlin asks, watching the prince in concern. 

Arthur whips his head up at the sound of his name. He finds his servant staring at him curiously, his head tilted ever so slightly. The prince can feel his heart rate quicken in his chest at the sight. Maybe Merlin was a sorcerer... After all no servant, let alone a manservant, should be able to look this adorable.

Suddenly, a hand comes down on the back of Arthur's head. The prince winces, rubbing at the spot the servant had just smacked as he turns towards the perpetrator who's grinning at him cheekily. 

"What was that for, Merlin?!" The prince exclaims angrily, getting up from his seat while shooting a glare at his manservant.

"Oh? So you haven't lost your mind," Merlin says, feigning surprise, "you weren't responding and I got worried."

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