Chapter 2 - Classmates

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Never Stop Loving

Chapter Two

The day went on as it should, boring and too long. I was sitting in my last class of they day, bored out of my mind. I kept checking the clock over and over again just about every three minutes to discover nothing new. More time passed when my classmate Jenna, asked me the hardest question I've ever had to answer.

"Hey, Mariah..can you answer a question?" Every tome anyone asked me a question I got a bit nervous, what did she want to ask?

"Yeah, what?" I was a little annoyed of how she asked, I mean you really don't have to introduce a question by asking a question.

"Well, did you and Ryan kiss?" What! Why would anyone think that we kissed, we've never even came close, ever!

"Um, no. Who told you that?" Why, who? Once i knew who this person was I was going to lose it.

"No one." Great, why cant you tell me, its not going to kill anyone! But before I could force her to tell me Mr.Delro interrupted and told us to be quiet. Like I've never heard that before. Now that wasn't the question that made me think hard, it was what I was thinking. Who told her that?

I couldn't really think of anyone who hated me or didn't like me. I was really nice to everyone. Plus I never talked to but the same 5 or six people.

They were Ann, Austin, Dalila, Brandon, Spencer, and Carrie. I don't think anyone of them would turn on me for all the money in the world. They're my true friends, nothing can break us apart, I know it!

My friend Brandon and I did have a problem when we first became friends. I didn't know this but he really liked me and he didn't know how to tell me but I didn't care, which is what really got him mad. When he told me that I was really surprised! But I didn't care,if someone liked me I couldn't change that no matter how hard I tried. So he started spreading rumors that I slept with Dalila which is a complete lie because I'm a virgin. So somehow things got cleared up which took the longest time. Me and Brandon are fine now and so are all three of us. The rumor stopped being spread which is great and things are back to normal.

So back to my thinking,who told Jenna that I kissed with Ryan? People start ramming through my mind, left and right, back and fourth. Who was it? I couldn't take it even thought its only been about 15 minutes. The only person i could think of was Nala, she hated everyone who didn't bow down to her and follow her every command. I didn't see a problem with her until she started hating on me, big time. When I say big time, I mean it. She gave me dirty looks and pretty much bullied my, cyberly that is. With the rumors and stuff, shes done that before saying that I was lesbian, a lot of people believed her because of the rumor that went around about Dalila, which is another lie. But I got over it and didn't let her bother me until now really.

The bell rang and completely startled me. I pretty much jumped ten feet out of the air at that point. I put my thinking aside and cleaned up my little area heading to my locker to gather my things for home. Once I was there I saw Ann waiting for me. Like always she told me about her classes without me and this time it should be interesting. I was hoping she'd tell me what happened with her and Ryan but you never know with that girl.

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